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How Many Packets per Second (PPS) in Amazon EC2?

A customer of ours reported a limit on number of packets in Amazon’s EC2 instances. According to the report, it didn’t happen on all instance types, and didn’t happen all the time. Also, it was unrelated entirely to bandwidth or MTU. According to the report, packet transmission rates were limited the same as CPU on t2/t3 instances — each instance earns credits which, when exhausted, cause throttling.

CloudReady Dashboards Tips & Tricks Part #2

This is the second part of a series on the CloudReady dashboards and visualizations. The first part covered basics like Overviews, Refresh, and Layout settings. In this second part, we’ll cover more advanced creation and usage of dashboards. In part 3 and 4 we’ll cover actual widgets and how they can be used.

Getting serious about cloud migration

Cloud is a big part of Atlassian’s future, and we’re more focused than ever on delivering a great Server to Cloud migration experience. When developing software, there is no better way to test than doing it yourself. So that’s what we did. In an effort to learn more, understand pain points, and make a better experience for our customers, we migrated our whole company’s Jira and Confluence instances to the Atlassian Cloud.

Thank you for making the SCOM Day such an exceptional event

NiCE is excited to have been a sponsor again for this year’s SCOM Day and to have met up with all you professional and highly skilled people. It´s been a great pleasure and we are looking forward to talking to you soon. Check out the complete range of our fourteen finest NiCE SCOM MPs for monitoring VMware, Office 365, Oracle and so much more.

Data Snapshot: How well equipped are businesses to bounce back from disaster?

Disaster recovery involves planning for the worst so organizations can quickly bounce back from a disruptive event. To prepare for hardware failure, power outages, human error, natural disasters — or whatever type of disaster life has in store — companies should put together a disaster recovery plan that identifies risks and outlines steps to mitigate them. For example, to minimize downtime, companies might regularly back up important data and set up redundant offsite infrastructure.

The 9s Are a Lie: Chasing Continuous Availability

Most IT organizations like to think of themselves as continuously improving. The best ones constantly invest in building new skills, deploying new infrastructure, acquiring new tools, creating new processes, or even tuning what they already have in order to wring more efficiency and productivity out of their environments. Many are migrating to the cloud, as cloud service providers (or CSPs) cheerily advertise three, four or even five 9s of availability (e.g., 99.999% uptime).