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Single Sign-On for Kubernetes: An Introduction

One of the great things about Kubernetes is that it completely separates authentication and authorization. Authentication (Authn) meaning the act of identifying who the user is and authorization (Authz) meaning the act of working out if they’re allowed to perform some action. This can be thought of in terms of a Passport and a Visa.

Hyperconvergence and Monitoring

Hyperconvergence, hyperconvergent platforms, hyperconvergent modules, are relatively new terms in the world of data centers. In addition, each technology that emerges or evolves and succeeds in penetrating the market represents new challenges for monitoring platforms. Thus, hyperconvergence is another in the list, which includes elements such as the cloud, software-defined networks, edge computing, DevOps, Agile, and so many others.

IT Ops Transformation: Gartner's Key Recommendations in IT Infrastructure Monitoring

It has been clear to many IT practitioners for a while now that the fundamental nature of IT infrastructure monitoring is transforming, right alongside the rest of the IT landscape. Gartner’s latest Market Guide for IT Infrastructure Monitoring Tools is a great tool for ITOM professionals, offering the market definition, market direction, key findings and recommendations for IT infrastructure monitoring tools.

Opsgenie + Tools You <3 = Never Missing an Alert Again

Valentine’s Day can be traced back to the 1500s, and while back then it was likely not about candy hearts and chocolates—it has always been about the celebration of beauty, love, and relationships. With today being Valentine’s Day, I thought it’d be a great opportunity to celebrate Opsgenie’s relationships (read: integrations) with more than 200 of your favorite apps and web services.

Why API Monitoring is Crucial to Your Business

In today’s interconnected world, API monitoring is vital. Businesses rely on data in everyday operations, and often rely on Web APIs to send and access data. But if an API is down, slow or not behaving as expected, it can severely impact business operations. Whether you’re an API provider or rely on third-party APIs, continually monitoring your API environment lets you know when there’s a problem.

How Sentry Thrives as an Open Source Software Company

When I tell people that Sentry is open source, they nod, understanding that this is known to be a good, noble thing. Then, they have questions. Many questions. “You mean open core?” they ask. No. Open source. “So you sell professional services?” No. Head scratching, then a pause. “Then… how do you make money?”