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Announcing Go tracer v1.0.0

We’re happy to announce that our Go tracer v1.0.0 has been released. The latest version represents a major overhaul, and includes performance improvements, more robust compatibility with tracing standards, and a new and improved API. It incorporates continuous feedback not only from our community, but also from extensive internal usage here at Datadog.

What is Application Performance Monitoring?

In today’s digital economy, speed is everything. Especially for applications and websites accessed by end users, when there is slowness, it will have a direct detrimental impact on business productivity, profits and even the brand itself. If an ecommerce application loads slowly or experiences errors, it will translate into loss of business, and the customer might end up switching to another website – possibly your competitor.

Integration Spotlight: PushBullet

Today we’d like to shine the spotlight on another of our great integrations for receiving StatusCake alerts to your mobile device or browser. It’s a great integration to use if you’d like to get your alerts from StatusCake completely free of charge, and has a rich selection of features on both the free and pro plan (which comes at a subscription cost for more advanced users).

Large-Scale Log Management Deployment with Graylog: A User Perspective

Juraj Kosik, an Infrastructure Security Technical Lead at Deutsche Telekom Pan-Net, has written a detailed case study of how his organization implemented Graylog to centralize log data from multiple data centers exceeding 1 TB/day. His case study provides thorough insights into real-world issues you might run into when implementing and operating a log management platform in a large-scale cloud environment.

Building an Intuitive Real-Time Interface for IT Ops Team Productivity

Few things damage productivity as much as waiting. The act of waiting forces us to context switch, disrupts our creative momentum, and eliminates our ability to experiment. Whether we are deploying a new service or troubleshooting a problem, waiting puts a heavy tax on team productivity in IT Operations.

WLSDM: How to monitor applications' database statements (JDBC SQL) and performance on Oracle WebLogic Server?

In this post, you will learn the easiest way of monitoring high level applications’ database statements (JDBC) performance via WLSDM Back-End system monitoring features. If your application has slow JDBC execute statements then these statements need to be tuned by DBA or developer.

Grafana Vs Graphite

The amount of data being generated today is unprecedented. In fact, more data has been created in the last 2 years, than in the entire history of the human race. With such volume, it’s crucial for companies to be able to harness their data in order to further their business goals. A big part of this is analyzing data and seeing trends, and this is where solutions such as Graphite and Grafana become critical.

Kubernetes run-time security: Automate Sysdig Falco deployment using Helm charts.

So, you want to implement run-time security in your Kubernetes cluster? If you are looking for an open-source tool, obviously Sysdig Falco is the way to go :). You can install Falco as a daemonSet, but as we wanted to make things even easier and natively integrated, we have packaged Falco as a Helm chart, the Kubernetes package manager.