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Escalate Critical Issues with PagerDuty and Sentry

Connecting Sentry and PagerDuty is a great way to make sure important issues don’t get stuck in backlog purgatory. But sometimes there’s a drop-everything critical issue that can’t wait for a sprint planning meeting. That’s why we’re extending our PagerDuty integration to support Metric Alerts.

Issue Tracking with Linear and Sentry

Linear is an issue tracking tool that helps streamline software projects, sprints, tasks, and bug tracking. Linear’s new Sentry integration helps developers automate issue tracking and sync issues between both services. Teams can create and assign Linear Issues directly from any Sentry Issue or link Sentry Issues to existing Linear Issues. Linear’s automation will close your Sentry Issue once the Linear Issue has been resolved and update the assignee in Sentry if it changes in Linear.

Finding and Fixing Django N+1 Problems

The Django Python framework allows people to build websites extremely fast. One of its best features is the Object-relational mapper (ORM), which allows you to make queries to the database without having to write any SQL. Django will allow you to write your queries in Python and then it will try to turn those statements into efficient SQL. Most of the time the ORM creates the SQL flawlessly, but sometimes the results are less than ideal.

The Great Irony of Serverless Computing

Working with Serverless computing is like riding an electric bike. You get speed, flexibility, automatic assistance to scale with ease. Development is usually hassle-free because you can focus on code and only pay for usage of the service. Except when your users hit an error. Debugging that issue feels like your bike’s battery just died while climbing a steep hill.

Continuous Improvement in Native

If Sentry were a TV show, I think it would be Lassie. It’s your application’s best friend and everyone can understand it no matter what language they speak. Sentry gets help from the right people to make sure Timmy, I mean your application, is safe and sound. Over the past few months, we improved our Native SDK significantly. Most notably, we increased platform compatibility through a major rewrite from C++ to C and by switching to the CMake build system.

The Pain of Debugging WebAssembly

If you know anything about WebAssembly (WASM), it’s probably that WASM lets you execute code compiled from languages such as C, C++, Rust, or others in the browser at almost native speeds. You might be less familiar with the fact that WASM is not only an interesting technology in the browser, but also in other environments that require fast sandboxing. As such, WASM has found some popularity with edge computing and as a lightweight docker replacement for certain situations.

Enable suspect commits, unminify JS, and track releases with Vercel and Sentry

If you’re a JavaScript developer there’s a very good chance you’ve heard of or use Vercel. In the small chance you haven’t, Vercel is this awesome platform that makes building and deploying Jamstack frameworks like Next.js incredibly fast and easy. Next.js is gaining in popularity with 51k stars on GitHub and it’s one of the most trusted stacks in the JavaScript world these days.

Asynchronous CSV Exports with Discover

For as long as we can remember, Sentry has had some version of CSV Exports. They’ve been limited only 1000 rows of results, which did the job for the most part. However, the more you used Sentry, the more we found that limit wasn’t good enough. What if I told you there was a way to get all your data in the exports in a single CSV? That’s right, no more DIY python scripts. No more manually piecing CSVs together. No more feature-request tickets.

Automate Release Management with the Sentry Release GitHub Action

Time trolls people. It speeds up in good times and slows down in bad. For instance, when you push code, your brain feels like it’s in a whirlwind. But when you’re debugging subsequent errors, the hours seem to slog by. This is particularly true if you are operating without context and without the help of automation. Fortunately, our friends at GitHub built an automation platform for products like Sentry to integrate with: Sentry Release GitHub Action.