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Welcoming Sentry's New CEO

This year marks the 8th year since we incorporated Sentry. Every year has created a new set of opportunities as we’ve expanded both our product and our customer base. We’re fortunate to be considered the market leader in error monitoring, and are aggressively building on top of that success to make software better for everyone. Our rapid revenue and customer growth, combined with recent funding, has given us the exciting opportunity to more broadly fix application monitoring.

Self-hosted Sentry 10 is ready to serve - get it while it's hot!

At Sentry, we pride ourselves on having an open kitchen; everyone can see how we prepare our main dishes as an open-source company. As you may have noticed, we’ve been working hard to bring you a version that’s incredibly easy to set up and maintain: Sentry 10! It’s available today! Before you start hammering PyPI, GitHub, or Docker servers, please read on as there are important changes that need your attention.

Debugging a Segfault in Rust

In case you missed our pair programming session about how to run, crash, and debug a Native application using Sentry, worry not! Our artificial intelligence Richard — much more intelligent than it thinks — has used its special powers to upload a recording of our session. This time, we chose a very special victim: Symbolicator. That’s the service responsible at Sentry for processing native crash reports.

Using GitHub Actions to Create Sentry Releases

At Sentry, we’re big fans of continuous integration and deployment. We’re also big fans of GitHub — and not just because we employ a number of notable GitHub alumni. We use our own GitHub integration to link issues, identify suspect commits that likely introduced new errors, and suggest assignees who can best resolve each issue. Last month, GitHub released GitHub Actions for general availability.

5 Application Development Trends for 2020

Over the past decade, there have been many innovations in the software development industry with new technologies like the cloud, microservices, and virtualization and new methods with DevOps and agile practices. With these advancements, we’ve seen a seismic shift in application development, from many apps being built for business users and desktops to the rise of consumer apps on mobile devices.

Customize Your Sentry Workflow: A Sample Internal Integration

This year we introduced the Sentry Integration Platform, which allows 3rd-party developers to build integrations that connect Sentry with their software. More recently we launched Internal Integrations, which lets developers combine Sentry with their internal tools to support their own custom workflows.

Sentry Receives SOC 2 Compliance Certification

In a world where companies’ security teams are notoriously—and rightly—paranoid, we’re pleased to announce that Sentry has recently received its SOC 2 Type I compliance certification. Having met this important industry standard on the effectiveness of a company’s internal controls around information security, our existing and future customers can be confident about their data security and integrity with Sentry.

Deprecating Our Legacy JavaScript SDK

Sentry is full of engineers, so we know how painful it can be to deal with breaking changes caused by third party libraries. But we also know those third party libraries have to continually update and stay on top of their games, or they’ll become irrelevant. For that reason, we try to only introduce breaking changes when they’re really (really) required. Especially when those changes are made to an API surface.