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How to monitor your disks and filesystems, now also with eBPF

Current IT monitoring software lacks the necessary metrics for minimizing downtime for systems and applications. Most provide system and application metrics but there is much more than this required for properly monitoring your infrastructure. With eBPF there is a technological advancement that allows monitoring software to provide rich information from the Linux kernel and present it.

Cloning git repos and creating systemd services with CFEngine

Using modules, you can add custom promise types to CFEngine, to manage new resources. In this blog post, I’d like to introduce some of the first official modules, namely git and systemd promise types. They were both written by Fabio Tranchitella, who normally works on our other product, Mender.io. He decided to learn some CFEngine and within a couple of weeks he’s contributed 3 modules, showing just how easy it is to implement new promise types. Thanks, Fabio!

August/2021 - HAProxy 2.0+ HTTP/2 Vulnerabilities Fixed

If you are using HAProxy 2.0 or newer, it is important that you update to the latest version. A vulnerability was found that makes it possible to abuse the HTTP/2 parser, allowing an attacker to prepend hostnames to a request, append top-level domains to an existing domain, and inject invalid characters through the :method pseudo-header.

Using Calico with Kubespray

In the Kubernetes ecosystem there are a variety of ways for you to provision your cluster, and which one you choose generally depends on how well it integrates with your existing knowledge or your organization’s established tools. Kubespray is a tool built using Ansible playbooks, inventories, and variable files—and also includes supplemental tooling such as Terraform examples for provisioning infrastructure.

Systems Management Named Biggest Area for IT Professional Development

The 2020 SolarWinds® IT Pro Day survey looked at the changing roles and responsibilities of IT pros throughout the pandemic. Overall, nearly two-thirds of surveyed IT pros discovered a new sense of confidence, despite contending with challenges such as reduced budgets, greater decision-making responsibilities, and longer hours caused by their organizations’ response to the pandemic.

Peer Recognition and Why It Matters

There should always be opportunities to laud our peers’ achievements and good work. One of the things I’ve noticed (at least here in America) is we tend to speak up about negative things and more quietly acknowledge the good. I want us to get better at publicly celebrating the success of our peers. IT Pro Day is nearly upon us, and this means there’s an opportunity to recognize our peers through the second annual awards.

How CloudZero Manages Cloud Costs During Our Product Discovery Process

Like any SaaS organization, CloudZero cares about our COGS, margin, and unit cost. As you can imagine, we have a fair amount of insight into how those numbers are changing every day thanks to being “customer zero” on our cloud cost intelligence platform. Talking with other companies, I often find that the best organizations understand that measuring the cost implications of new products and features once you’ve deployed them can be too late.

Chapter Ten: In Which Sarah Resigns from Animapanions and Heads Off to Start Up a Competitor

This is the tenth chapter in The Observability Odyssey, a book exploring the role that intelligent observability plays in the day-to-day life of smart teams. In this chapter, our DevOps Engineer, Sarah, throws in the towel at C&Js and moves on to build her own business.

Chapter Eleven: In Which James Speaks with the Industry Analysts

This is the eleventh chapter in The Observability Odyssey, a book exploring the role that intelligent observability plays in the day-to-day life of smart teams. In this chapter, our IT Ops Leader, James, speaks with the analysts about what’s happening in the AIOps space.

3rd Party APM: Unite Your Legacy APM Data on Your Journey to Observability!

Today you likely have one or more legacy APM (Application Performance Monitoring) solutions. You are moving from a monolithic architecture to microservices, and you are accelerating your journey to Cloud, and you need to deliver at speed with scale and quality to your customers. Sadly, visibility into these results are limited to each of these solutions and their interfaces.