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Current State of Icinga - OSMC 2021

A couple of weeks ago the Open Source Monitoring Conference (OSMC) took place in Nuremberg, Germany. For over a decade now the OSMC provides a platform for monitoring engineers and open source vendors from the field. Icinga is part of this conference since the beginning. For us the event is a highlight every year and we take the chance to spend time with the community and give updates about our products. Like every year, our CEO Bernd summarized again the current state of Icinga.

How to Reduce Noise, Resolve Faster, and Automate More Often with PagerDuty

When we asked how technology leaders are feeling about increased pressure on digital services, they reported that, unsurprisingly, their investments in digital have grown. In fact, 72% are ramping up digital transformation efforts. Yet while the C-suite is interested in AIOps and automation to help their teams, it’s not always clear what their approach should be and how this technology can be applied to solve problems for their teams today.

AWS Savings Plan: All You Need to Know

Organizations using Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud traditionally leveraged Reserved Instances (RI) to realize cost savings by committing to the use of a specific instance type and operating system within the AWS region. Nearly 2 years ago, AWS rolled out a new program called Savings Plans, which give companies a new way to reduce costs by making an advanced commitment of a one-year or three-year fixed term.

Serverless security hazards and trends to consider

Fourteen billion dollars – that’s the projected global market size for serverless, which is supposed to grow by about 26 percent annually in the next few years, according to the recent Global Serverless Architecture Market report. The fast pace of adoption of serverless is hardly surprising because the technology can save significant costs for companies. It can enable them to build and deploy software and digital products without providing and maintaining any virtual or physical servers.

Application Discovery Tutorial

Systems and platforms continue to grow more complex and distributed. The march towards distributed microservices has been accelerated with Kubernetes; arm yourself with a Kubernetes manifest and up your replica count and like magic, you have more than one endpoint for your workload. In the Kubernetes ecosystem, there has been a lot of investment on the infrastructure side of the house for example in making sure clusters are performant and have the ability to scale.

Domain-Centric vs. Domain-Agnostic AIOps: What to Use When

AIOps platforms fall into two main categories: domain-centric and domain-agnostic solutions. What are the differences between domain-centric and domain-agnostic AIOps, and why should you choose one type of solution or the other? Read on for guidance on understanding the respective pros and cons of domain-centric and domain-agnostic AIOps.

What is a managed IT service?

Technology is one of the main success factors for any organisation. A few decades ago, when technology (and life) were not as fast-paced as today, IT was more about keeping the lights on and maintaining business as usual operations. Today, the game has massively changed. On the roads that are ever-changing, innovation is what keeps the wheel spinning. If you think that the world is doing enough innovation today, then it would be very interesting to check the recent Growth & Innovation McKinsey report.

Data Visualization Made Easy with ReactJS, Nivo and InfluxDB

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a well-done data visualization is worth a million. The quality of a dashboard can make or break an application. In this tutorial, you will learn how to make high-quality data visualizations easily by using the Nivo charting library with ReactJS. You will also learn how to query data stored in InfluxDB to make your charts dynamic and versatile.

DevOps State of Mind Podcast Episode 3: DevRel and DevOps, Two Peas in a Pod

‍Joe Karlsson is a senior developer advocate at SingleStore. SingleStore has a highly scalable SQL database that delivers maximum performance for transactional and analytical workloads, all with familiar relational data structures. Joe collaborates with teams across the company to amplify developers' voices and provide support for multiple audiences. Today, we're going to talk about cross team empathy and why DevRel and DevOps work hand in hand.