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Incident Management

The latest News and Information on Incident Management, On-Call, Incident Response and related technologies.

Strategies to Strengthen Nurse Mental Health and Safety

No job is easy, but the job of a nurse is even more challenging, especially during a global health crisis. Nurses are at a higher risk of developing burnout due to the psychological trauma and cognitive overload that comes with the nursing profession. The situation is further exacerbated when nurses take on more responsibility during a pandemic or other large-scale incidents.

SLOs, SLIs, and where to find them with Jacob Plicque III

Identifying the right the right Service-Level Indicators is mission-critical for any SRE team responsible for meeting Service-Level Objectives and reporting on them. Find out how to sift through mountains of metrics and fill gaps in your data in order to visualize SLIs that actually matter for effective error budget tracking and actionable alerts in Grafana. Presented by: Jacob Plicque III, Senior Engineer at Grafana Labs at Grafana East Coast Virtual Meetup - August 2021

Real-time digital operations management puts connected vehicles on the road to success

As technology advances and applications for the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to expand, industrial and manufacturing companies are embedding more digital systems into their operations. From smart factories and intelligent shipping to automation and 3D printing, Industry 5.0 has arrived.

Lone Workers vs. Remote Workers: Knowing the Difference and Keeping Both Safe

The Covid-19 pandemic increased opportunities for remote work four to five times more than before, according to a report from McKinsey & Co. Although many office-based workers had no choice but to leave their desk jobs and make the move to work from home in early 2020, remote work appears to be here to stay. The rapid transformation brought forward by the pandemic has muddied the definition of remote workers versus lone workers, but it’s essential not to confuse the two.

How to Avoid the Executive 'Swoop and Poop' and Other Best Practices for Operational Maturity

We’re eating at restaurants again. We’re seeing family after too long apart. Some of us may even be returning to the office. But, that doesn’t mean that the pressure is off for digital services, and growing in operational maturity still remains top of mind. While the digital transformations have been taking place for the last two decades, COVID-19 added pressure to speed initiatives.