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Logz.io Eliminates Complications Associated with Container Logging with Launch of Specialized Docker Logging Plugin

BOSTON and TEL AVIV, June 13, 2018 — Logz.io, the leading provider of AI-powered log analytics, releases a specialized Docker Logging Plugin, enabling users to easily ship container logs to Logz.io. The Docker Logging Plugin was created to relieve many of the common issues developers experience when shipping container logs such as complex configuration, accidental pausing of container shipments, and potential loss of data.

The AWS spend of a SaaS small business

In the first 30 days after moving Cronitor to AWS in January, 2015 we collected $535 in MRR and paid $64.47 for hosting, data transfer and a domain name. In the time since we’ve continued to increase our footprint, level-up instances and add more managed services. Despite the AWS reputation as an expensive foot-gun we’ve improved availability while keeping our bill consistently close to 12.5% of revenue. Here’s a look.

AppDynamics Enhances Pivotal Cloud Foundry Performance Monitoring with New Infrastructure View

We’ve significantly expanded our Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) performance monitoring capabilities, adding an intuitive dashboard, new metrics, and advanced capabilities to deliver powerful insights into your PCF applications.