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How RFID technology can optimize asset utilization in offices

Offices are complex environments where assets are always moving, from furniture and equipment to files and documents. Tracking these assets can be a difficult and time-consuming process. RFID technology can help optimize asset utilization in offices by providing real-time visibility and location tracking of these assets.

New Chrome and Edge zero-day exploits: How to patch CVE-2023-2033 and CVE-2023-2136

Two new zero-day exploits that affect the Chromium browser core were reported on April 14th. And since both Chrome and Microsoft Edge are based on it, Google advised to update the browsers. The vulnerabilities CVE-2023-2033 and CVE-2023-2136 can lead to remote code execution and have already been fixed. But that doesn't mean that's the end of the problem.

Distributed systems: Because a single computer can't deal with your procrastination

In our eagerness to bring you all the definitions of the world of technology we hired a sherpa, with calves made of steel, who travels the confines of the Himalayas collecting the most exclusive and inaccessible information from temple to temple. Because everyone knows it, the greatest secrets of technology are kept by the monks of monasteries like those of Rizong, Jammu or Kashmir, not the Internet.

RFID solutions for efficient inventory management in retail

Introduction: Efficient inventory management is the backbone of any successful retail business. With the rise of e-commerce, consumers have more options than ever, which means retailers must prioritize a streamlined supply chain to stay competitive. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) solutions have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to improve inventory management.

Now Available: The Flight SQL Plugin for Grafana

Today we have exciting news for Grafana customers with Flight SQL data sources: Now there is a new community plugin available for Grafana that allows it to communicate with Flight-SQL-compatible databases. Flight SQL is a client-server protocol developed by the Apache Arrow community for interacting with SQL databases. It utilizes the Flight RPC framework and the Arrow in-memory columnar format.

Log Shippers: The Key to Efficient Log Management

Logs are a vital source of information for any system, providing valuable insights into its performance and behaviour. However, with the increasing complexity of modern systems and the massive amount of data generated by them, managing logs can be a daunting task. This is where log shippers come into play. Log shippers are tools designed to simplify the process of collecting and forwarding log data to a centralized location, allowing for easy analysis and troubleshooting.

Pocket article: Debug vs. Release Builds Considered Harmful

Separate “debug” and “release” builds are very common in embedded development. Typically the notion is improved debug capabilities (less aggressive compiler optimizations, more debugging information like logs) vs. highly optimized and hardened production release builds. I’m here to describe disadvantages to this practice, and why it might make sense to consolidate to a single build! Like Interrupt? Subscribe to get our latest posts straight to your mailbox.

The Latest Version of OpenSearch Is Now Live On Logit.io

Logit.io is pleased to introduce the latest version of OpenSearch onto the platform, with an OpenTelemetry-compliant data schema that unlocks a host of future analytics and observability capabilities. Also included in this release are improvements in threat detection for security analytics workloads, visualization tools, and machine learning (ML) models.

Why Your Data-Driven Strategies for Network Reliability Aren't Working

What do network operators want most from all their hard work? The answer is a stable, reliable, performant network that delivers great application experiences to people. In daily network operations, that means deep, extensive, and reliable network observability. In other words, the answer is a data-driven approach to gathering and analyzing a large volume and variety of network telemetry so that engineers have the insight they need to keep things running smoothly.

How German drugstore chain Müller thrives with Icinga

We are proud of our many customers and users around the globe that trust Icinga for critical IT infrastructure monitoring. That´s why we´re now showcasing some of these enterprises with their Success stories. It´s stories from companies or organizations just like yours, of any size and different kinds of industries. Some of them are our long-standing customers, others have just recently profited from migrating from another solution to Icinga.