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Logging into your Connected Experiences

After checking out the Get Started with Connected Experiences blog, you’ll be an expert on 1) how your Splunk data gets to mobile, (2) how to unlock mobile for your Splunk instance, and (3) how user management works. So, with this blog, I’d say it’s time to talk about the many login methods users can leverage with their Splunk instance on mobile.

Monitor Mobile Vitals with Datadog

After you release an Android application, you need to ensure a smooth, engaging experience for users. Poor performance and heavy resource consumption can cause your application to rank lower for prospective users in the Google Play Store, and existing users can become frustrated and even uninstall your application. All of this can spell trouble for business-related performance indicators like engagement and discoverability.

Infovista supports service management and orchestration with launch of its rApp program for new Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform

First integration will be Infovista Planet as cloud-native, Open RAN-compliant Network Design and Optimization microservices to automate planning and optimization of multi-vendor and multi-technology networks.

Demystifying the complexity of cloud-native 5G network functions deployment using Robin CNP

Some of the key requirements as operators deploy #telecom data centers include managing their NFs in a cloud-native world to achieve low-latency and high throughput for #5G applications, meeting scalability targets, achieving bare-metal performance without virtualization overheads, and so on. Robin’s #CloudNative Platform solves various challenges associated with #5G CNF deployments, along with delivering the convenience of zero touch automation, multi-cloud portability, and hyperscale orchestration.