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Remote Debugging & Device Observability: How Memfault & Diamond Kinetics fix firmware bugs together

With their original products in the market, Diamond Kinetics relied on customer reports with little detail to fix issues in the field. They soon realized that this process of “psychic debugging” sensors in the wild was not enough and even delayed release dates as they tried perfecting each device before shipment. When they decided to launch a new generation of their product in 2020, they knew they needed a more efficient process.

10x development speed with local serverless debugging

In this article you’ll find out how to 10x your development speed with local serverless debugging. Questions such as “what happens when you scale your application into millions of requests?”, “what to expect when going serverless?”, “how does it look like?”, or “how is it to build applications on serverless and work locally?” will be addressed.

Accelerating Dev Workflows: Terminal-driven Debugging

The pursuit of Digital Transformation and DevOps practices has led to several benefits such as increased deployment rates and better collaboration across teams. However, it has also led to endless abstraction, an increase in responsibilities, and many new tools (Kubernetes, hybrid-clouds and all their services, etc.). This increase in complexity has turned observability into an essential component of all ecosystems.

Understanding and Debugging Applications Using the Service Map

Elastic APM is an application performance monitoring system built on the Elastic Stack. Elastic APM makes it easy to pinpoint and fix performance problems quickly. In this video, you will learn what distributed tracing is, how it can be used to better understand your environment, and how service maps give you a quick overview of your architecture.

Why Debugging JavaScript Sucks - And What You Can Do About It

What makes JavaScript great is also what makes it frustrating to debug. Its asynchronous nature makes it easy to manipulate the DOM in response to user events, but it also makes it difficult to locate problems. And JavaScript’s ubiquity has resulted in a variety of runtimes (e.g. Chromium’s V8, Safari’s JavaScriptCore, and Firefox’s SpiderMonkey) but having so many platforms can cause dizzying idiosyncracies — all of which need to be supported equally.

Debugging with Dashbird: Lambda Task Timed Out After X Seconds

When building serverless applications, Lambda functions often form the backbone of the system. They might provide just a few lines of code, but these lines are usually what hold the whole architecture composed of many managed services together. Event-driven architecture is what this style is called, and it’s most prevalent in serverless applications. API gateways collect requests from your users, convert them to events, and send these along the way.

How to Debug HardFaults on ARM Cortex-M MCUs

No matter your use case or how sophisticated your hardware is, faults happen on embedded devices all the time for a variety of reasons. Maybe it’s something easy like a reproducible NULL pointer dereference you hit during development or maybe it’s something more subtle like memory corruption or divide by zero faults that only exhibits themselves in zero-g, high temperature, weak magnetic field, or noisy RF environments!