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Open Source

Everything You Need to Know About the OSS Licensing War, Part 3.

In Parts One and Two of this blog, we looked back at the ongoing open source licensing wars, focusing on the evolving situation between Elastic N.V. and AWS. In this final installment, we’ll offer some opinions on the situation, as well as share our own views on how we’re reacting at Grafana Labs.

Kafka Open Source Monitoring Tools

Open source software adoption continues to grow within enterprises (even for legacy applications), beyond just startups and born-in-the-cloud software. In this second part of our Kafka monitoring series (see the first part discussing Kafka metrics to monitor), we’ll take a look at some open source tools available to monitor Kafka clusters. We’ll explore what it takes to install, configure, and actually use each tool in a meaningful way.

Everything You Need to Know About the OSS Licensing War, Part 2.

Where we left off: AWS had taken the Elasticsearch software and launched their own cloud offering in 2015, and Elastic N.V. had doubled down on an “open core strategy.” Once AWS decides to offer a project like Elasticsearch, it immediately becomes a truly formidable competitor to anyone trying to do the same, even the company behind the software itself. AWS has huge scale, operational expertise, and various network effects that really compound.

Everything You Need to Know About the OSS Licensing War, Part 1.

The emergence of a new breed of commercial open source company, challenging the dominance of public cloud, has set off a licensing war that calls into question the very meaning of open source. We debated this topic at last month’s GrafanaCon Los Angeles, where I participated in a spirited panel. Since then, the battle lines have been redrawn. Last week, Amazon announced its Open Distribution for Elasticsearch. And MongoDB Inc. abandoned OSI approval of its new SSPL license.

Prometheus metrics / OpenMetrics code instrumentation

In the following example-driven tutorial we will learn how to use Prometheus metrics / OpenMetrics to instrument your code whether you are using Golang, Java, Python or Javascript. We will cover the different metric types and provide readily executable code snippets. Prometheus is an open source time series database for monitoring that was originally developed at SoundCloud before being released as an open source project.

Rapitt chooses Mattermost for quick messaging and open source extensibility

Rapitt built their partner store app on top of Mattermost to create a platform that facilitates local commerce. Rapitt digitally connects local business owners with customers to enable specific use cases and transactions—like storing items for a period of time (e.g., a suitcase) and serving as a key-handling solution (e.g., Airbnb hosts can use Rapitt to provide keys to guests).

How Sentry Thrives as an Open Source Software Company

When I tell people that Sentry is open source, they nod, understanding that this is known to be a good, noble thing. Then, they have questions. Many questions. “You mean open core?” they ask. No. Open source. “So you sell professional services?” No. Head scratching, then a pause. “Then… how do you make money?”