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Auvik Use Case: Proactively Monitor and Manage Networks

It’s a story we often hear from our partners: A client calls and their network’s down, so our partner logs into Auvik, pinpoints the problem, and gets them back up in no time. Everyone’s happy. But your client shouldn’t have to make that first call. And if you’re using Auvik to its full potential, they likely won’t have to. Turning Auvik on when a client reports a major problem doesn’t make full use of Auvik’s power. For that, it needs to be on all the time.

Let's talk about the BGP protocol and its monitoring

The BGP protocol has become a fundamental part of the operation and performance of the Internet. Therefore, it is obvious that we should undertake the BGP monitoring process when monitoring applications or those services that are offered being Internet the basis of its communication.

DX NetOps Monitoring Demo Across Old and New Network Technologies

DX NetOps uniquely delivers an easy but highly scalable application-centric approach to assuring the performance and availability of complex SDN architectures along with traditional network technologies, In a single operations dashboard, the solution converts performance, fault, flow and packet data into easy troubleshooting workflows while utilizing intelligent analytics for advanced network triage and automation.

Packet Errors, Packet Discards, and Packet Loss: What's the Difference?

It’s a question the Auvik support team receives often: “What’s the difference between packet errors, packet discards, and packet loss?” And if you’ve ever typed that sentence—or any other variation—into Google, you’ll know it’s a tricky answer to find. Until now. Before we break down the three packet terms, let’s first look at packets themselves.

6 Ways to Save Yourself (and Others) From Tech Burnout

More than half of workers across all industries say they’ve experienced job burnout this year, and when you zone in on tech, the number jumps to 60%. It’s so common the World Health Organization has recognized it as an occupational phenomenon. Symptoms of burnout start off small, with employees experiencing reduced efficiency and energy, lowered levels of motivation, reduced job satisfaction, decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, poor workplace morale, and increased turnover.