We’ve just released our February 2018 update and there’s a lot of exciting news to share! Mattermost 4.7 includes enhanced image previews and thumbnails that make it easier to see what’s in the images your colleagues share. We’ve also added several performance improvements. You’ll notice pages and images are loading even faster thanks to image proxy support. It’s also easier to find channels due to optimized autocomplete queries.
With the number of cyberattacks growing with each passing day, the need for increasingly sophisticated security systems has never been higher. Just when these ceaseless attacks had you at your wit’s end, machine learning may just restore some sanity to the cybersecurity scene.
Back in 2016, AWS extended the resource ID length from 8 characters to 17 characters. Back then, this change applied to EC2 instances, EBS snapshots, EBS volumes, and EC2 instance reservation IDs. Now they’re doing it again with the remainder of EC2 resource types.
Have you ever seen a tweet like this and wondered what it was? It’s #HugOps! We’re sending you some giant #HugOps today (and every day), and hope that after reading this you feel inspired to pass on some #HugOps, too.
For the past six months or so I've been working an NES emulator in Rust. As you might expect, I've learned a lot about rust, and even more about NES internals. But the experience has also changed the way I look at Ruby. Specifically, it's made me more than a little paranoid about methods that return nil.
Recently, there has been a string of attacks affecting some ransomware victims who pay their ransom in an attempt to regain access to their encrypted data. These ransom payments are being intercepted by a third party, ironcally turning the ransomware attackers into the second victim. As a result, the original ransomware victims are victimized a second time, as they won’t get their data back since the ransomware attackers never receive the ransom money.
Providing users with the best possible software is always the number one priority. But doing so in a fast-paced, ever-changing technology landscape isn’t a simple task. Learn fundamental deployment methods for continuous delivery.
Different cloud environments can prove to be more fruitful for different teams, based on size, budget, or specific needs. A deeper understanding of each cloud deployment model will allow you to make the most informed decision. Get a crash course on hybrid cloud, community cloud, private cloud, and public cloud models.
Faultless websites, online stores or web apps simply don’t exist. Despite an exemplary infrastructure, duplicated systems and excellent mechanisms, something can always go wrong.We offer you a proven process that you can apply in a crisis situation – adapting it accordingly to your conditions, of course.