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Must-Have Features Of Every Effective Website

Every reliable web development company understands that the website of a company has a direct impact on the company’s business either positively or negatively. So, it is your duty to engage your web development company on ways by which your website will boost your lead generation and conversion rate. On that note, here are some of the features your web development company must include in the design and development of your website.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry Monitoring with Datadog

In part three of this series, we showed you a number of methods and tools for accessing key metrics and logs from a Pivotal Cloud Foundry deployment. Some of these tools help PCF operators monitor the health and performance of the cluster, whereas others allow developers to view metrics, logs, and performance data from their applications running on the cluster.

Collecting Pivotal Cloud Foundry logs and metrics

So far in this series we’ve explored Pivotal Cloud Foundry’s architecture and looked at some of the most important metrics for monitoring each PCF component. In this post, we’ll show you how you can view these metrics, as well as application and system logs, in order to monitor your PCF cluster and the applications running on it.

Key metrics for monitoring Pivotal Cloud Foundry

In the first part of this series, we outlined the different components of a Pivotal Cloud Foundry deployment and how they work together to host and run applications. In this article we will look at some of the most important metrics that PCF operators should monitor. These metrics provide information that can help you ensure that the deployment is running smoothly, that it has enough capacity to meet demand, and that the applications hosted on it are healthy.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry architecture

Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) is a multi-cloud platform for the deployment, management, and continuous delivery of applications, containers, and functions. PCF is a distribution of the open source Cloud Foundry developed and maintained by Pivotal Software, Inc. PCF is aimed at enterprise users and offers additional features and services—from Pivotal and from other third parties—for installing and operating Cloud Foundry as well as to expand its capabilities and make it easier to use.

How StatusHub Complements and Extends Your Incident Management Process?

Although the main focus of StatusHub is incident communication, it compliments each 5 activities of Incident Management: Identification, Categorization, Prioritization, Response and Communication with the user community through the life of the incident.

AWS CloudWatch Configuration Guide: Getting Started

If you remember getting an Erector Set as a kid, I’m sorry. In a stocking full of toy building systems, an Erector Set is the proverbial lump of coal. The instructions are complicated, and the pieces are made of metal, connected together with tiny screws. Few children have ever completed one of these sets successfully.