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The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.

Optimize your SaaS applications with Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence

What a high octane few months it has been on Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence! With our first release in October last year our product teams took their first exciting step into solving the difficulties associated with managing the purchasing and delicate balance of cost optimization by combining visibility with targeted action.

What's Important in 2021? - Bold Predictions in the Digital Workplace and Delivering Security with a Remote Workforce

At Ivanti, our highest priority is our customer. With that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to share some research that my team and I have found valuable as we have migrated through the COVID period. The two pieces of Gartner research, highlighted below and linked to on our landing page below, really hit home at Ivanti so we wanted to share them with all of you.

Managing Your Invisible Workforce

To say that things have changed since March 2020 is so commonplace it’s becoming trite. Everybody knows that people have worked from home where possible. HR and IT functions have dovetailed as never before. The HR personnel are therefore likely to be working from home, but they have an additional pressure: they are supporting, and their managers are managing, teams they can’t see.

A New Fast Lane to Value: Introducing Splunk's IT Essentials Learn and Work Apps

We often hear that our customers love using Splunk, know the power behind our platform and want to expand usage to IT. But they aren’t sure what steps to take first. We want our customers to maximize their Splunk investment and get them jump-started with Splunk for IT use cases by providing the guidance and best practices they seek.

Vaccine Administration Management | The most significant workflow challenge of our lifetime

By addressing the “last mile” challenge for vaccine management at scale, including vaccine distribution, administration, and monitoring, ServiceNow is eliminating vaccination barriers and accelerating the immunization process.

4 Ways to Select the Right Customer Experience Software for your Agency

Customer experience separates all. Agencies offering B2B services to a diverse clientele often have complex requirements such as multiple integrations, reporting specifications, pre-defined security measures, and more. Due to these constraints, selecting the right customer experience software becomes challenging for them. If you have been experiencing this hurdle, then you are in the right place.

Applying Strong Cyber Hygiene Security to IoT Endpoints

The Internet of Things, better known as IoT. You’ve heard of it, right? But do you know what it is? Simply, it is the interconnection of things (or endpoints) on the Internet to send and receive data. Today, experts calculate that there are 31 billion things connected to the insecure Internet, and growing exponentially. Did you know there are different types of IoT applications?