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Incident Management

The latest News and Information on Incident Management, On-Call, Incident Response and related technologies.

On-Call Escalations

With the AlertOps ServiceNow integration, you can use automatic escalations for on-call schedules and create custom escalations. Automatically escalate to a level 2 or level 3 team and notify management and stakeholders. Set each escalation to use the notification channel you choose (email, voice, SMS, mobile app, and chat). Set your escalations to trigger reminders when a response SLA or a resolution SLA has been breached or is approaching the deadline.

Tips & Tricks: Keeping Track of Event-Processing Delays

A couple of weeks ago our partner Rok Ponikvar from S&T contacted me about an issue one of his customers faced. His customer complained that Enterprise Alert is not alerting on current issues and even if he creates a test ticket in his OBM system no alert goes out. After a little back and forth we concluded that Enterprise Alert is still processing historic data from an Event Storm in OBM earlier that day.

Common Security related Questions and Answers

In light of the recent news about yet another reported Zero-Day Exploit and the accompanying discussions about security, let’s touch on the topic of security audits and how Enterprise Alert can be configured to avoid or at least minimize potential security impact. First, let’s establish what we mean by security audit.

How to Measure Uptime SLOs Using Pingdom and Nobl9

Do you find yourself asking, “What should our first service-level objective (SLO)be?” The simplest way to get started if you have a website is to measure uptime SLOs. The SLO will measure your uptime and how your site compares to your reliability goals. By following the steps outlined here, you can get up and running with your first SLO in minutes. To get started, you’ll need to set up an account on SolarWinds® Pingdom®.

Oracle's Cerner Acquisition Will Drive Smarter Care Decisions

Oracle is gearing up to execute the largest deal in its entire history – the company has agreed to buy Cerner, a leading electronic health records vendor, for $28.3 billion. The Cerner acquisition is slated to be an all-cash deal of $95/share and is expected to complete early next year. Cerner is a healthcare technology firm that streamlines health information and facilitates its accessibility for modern clinical teams.

Enhanced Enterprise Alert Reporting with Power BI

The benefits of using the correct reporting, analytics and information delivery capabilities can transform an organization. Having access to timely data, reporting, and analytic capabilities helps to ensure the ability to get the right data to the right users at the right time. Having the ability to pull any information that your business needs at any given time allows for the flexibility to get the information for your business when and where it is needed.