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Top 5 Reasons Why GitHub Enterprise is the Ideal Solution for Your Company's Workflows

GitHub is an extremely popular, web-based repository hosting service that allows developers to store their Git repos in a central location. GitHub Enterprise is one of GitHub’s many product offerings. Tailored for mid-size to large companies, GitHub Enterprise includes enhanced code management solutions, additional code security features, automation support, and a range of additional features for optimizing workflows.

How to Set Up a GitHub Profile README

What’s up!? My name is Mikaela Caron, I’m an iOS Engineer at Lickability, and also a freelance developer, GitKraken Ambassador, and content creator. I make content on YouTube, Instagram, and Mastodon / Twitter about iOS development and freelancing. I also organize a monthly online meetup called iOS Dev Happy Hour. I wrote this article to explain the benefits of having a profile README, how to create your own, and show a few examples of public profiles.

How to Conduct Efficient Code Reviews with GitLens

Code reviews are a massively beneficial way to improve code quality, identify vulnerabilities, and establish coding best practices. According to Microsoft researchers, peer code reviews improve code quality by 15–35%. In addition, according to the Journal of Systems and Software, peer code reviews increase accountability by 30–40%.

23 Facts on GitHub Reliability in 2022: Data Study of Outages by StatusGator

With over 83 million users, GitHub is one of the most popular development tools out there and the third most monitored service on StatusGator. Since so many users depend on GitHub, we wanted to analyze GitHub’s reliability in 2022 and find and uncover some interesting facts about GitHub outages.

Git tags vs branches: Differences and when to use them

Version control systems are valuable tools for tracking and managing changes to software projects. They record every modification to software code and store the complete project history in a database, enabling developers to collaborate, experiment with new features, and roll back changes when necessary. Git is the most widely used version control system today.

Automate GitHub stats reporting with scheduled pipelines

Release notes provide essential documentation when a new software version is released. For release notes to be most effective, dev teams must consolidate all of the work that has been done since the previous release. It is a hectic task that requires a lot of effort and time sorting through weeks or even months of software issues and pull requests. Why not make the life of the release team easier by automating the creation of release notes?

Dealing with Difficult Stakeholders or Clients

Most of the time, working with clients to create, improve, or enhance software is a great experience. You get to put your skills to the test and create unique solutions that improve people’s workflows and quality of life. However, there are occasions when working with a client can get out of control. For example, a client might make a last minute request that derails project timelines and stretches the scope beyond what was agreed on in the beginning.

Automate Your Deployments on Kubernetes Using GitHub Workflows and JFrog Artifactory Custom Webhooks

Full automation makes your Continuous Deployment (CD) faster, seamless and less error prone. For example, triggering the deployment of your Helm Chart when a Docker image is pushed to production. The latest JFrog Artifactory release makes this easy! With a new Custom Webhook feature that enables a direct integration with a variety of services such as Gitlab Pipelines, Jenkins and GitHub Actions.

D2iQ Kubernetes Platform + GitLab: Deliver Better Code Faster

D2iQ and Gitlab have partnered to help Kubernetes DevOps teams deliver higher-quality code faster through automation, integration, and verification of code. DKP provides a fully automated and integrated Kubernetes platform for developing and managing container deployments.

Mattermost Solutions for GitLab: Deep integration to ship software faster

Around the world, thousands of DevSecOps teams are shipping software faster and more reliably by integrating Mattermost with their self-hosted GitLab deployments. When combined, these platforms connect developer toolchains with real-time communications, audio calling, screen sharing and collaborative workflows.