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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

How to Identify Orphaned EBS Snapshots to Optimize AWS Costs

So a while back I got an email from our finance team. I was tasked to assist with tagging resources in our AWS infrastructure and investigate which items are contributing to certain costs. I don’t know about other engineers, but these kinds of tasks are on the same realm of fun as … wiping bird poop off your windshield at a gas station. So I did the sanest thing I could think of.

Introducing the OpsRamp Winter Release, January 2019

OpsRamp helps digital operations teams drive resilient and responsive IT services by discovering topological relationships between resources at multiple levels in the increasingly hybrid and multi-cloud IT stack. In this webinar you’ll get an overview of Winter Release, including demonstrations of features to drive greater efficiency within modern IT operational environments.

Coding with Confidence - CloudBees + Honeycomb

DevOps, Observability, Continuous Delivery, Test in Production, Chaos Engineering, and Software Ownership are all major themes in software development today, but why? In an ideal world, we get everything right the first time, nothing breaks, no one DDOS’ us, and the weather report is “Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs.” Reality of course is different – and better, to be honest.

Debugging serverless applications with Dashbird

With AWS Lambda, we get scalability and resilience out-of-the-box. What’s more, AWS also provides built-in monitoring, logging and tracing support through CloudWatch and X-Ray. These built-in tools provide a good starting point but many developers eventually outgrow them as their serverless application becomes more complex. In this post, let’s take a serverless application and see how Dashbird can help you debug a serverless application.

Cold Start Impact On Latency

Even in this field of work, not everything can be perfected 100%. There are always some situations and cases that will force you to go back or even remain in the present spot, despite your wish to keep going forward at your own pace. In this article, we’ll talk about the cold start impact on latency. What is it? How to fight against it? Is there a successful way of avoiding it or not?

Chaos Engineering Ideas for Serverless

The high-level steps for implementing chaos experiments involve: defining your application’s steady state, hypothesizing the steady state in both the control and experimental groups, injecting realistic failures, observing the results, and making changes to your code base/infrastructure as necessary based off of the results.

Dashbird announces incident management platform

Since the beginning of Dashbird, we’ve been conducting user interviews with all the users that take the time to jump on a call with us. One of the most common requests we get is the ability to customise alerts - specifically, what failures you will get notified upon and the ability to set custom alert based on metrics. Today we announce a new part of Dashbird that takes care of that - an incident management platform.

How I Got Comfortable Building with Serverless

A few months back, I blogged about my experience arriving at Stackery after code school. Months later, each day is still interesting and challenging and I’m so glad to have decided to pursue serverless as my concentration. I credit my AWS certifications for narrowing my focus enough to lead me to this point. The serverless community puts so much emphasis on exploration and getting started on your work or experiments today that, getting some exposure to AWS, you can get started right away.