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Exporting Splunk Data at Scale: See a Need, Fill a Need

The Core Splunk platform is rightfully recognized as having sparked the log analytics revolution when viewed through the lenses of ingest, search speed, scale, and usability. Their original approach leveraged a MapReduce approach, and it still stores the ingested data on disk in a collection of flat files organized as “buckets.” These immutable buckets are not human-readable and largely consist of the original raw data, indexes (.tsidx files), and a bit of metadata.

Kubernetes on the Edge: Getting Started with KubeEdge and Kubernetes for Edge Computing

Developers are always trying to improve the reliability and performance of their software, while at the same time reducing their own costs when possible. One way to accomplish this is edge computing and it’s gaining rapid adoption across industries. According to Gartner, only 10% of data today is being created and processed outside of traditional data centers.

How to parse body text into Elastic App Search during data ingestion

Elastic App Search allows developers to bring the power of Elasticsearch to mobile apps in a pretuned search experience. When parsing body text, the App Search crawler extracts all the content from the specified website and spreads it in fields depending on the HTML tags it finds. Text within title tags are assumed as title field, anchor tags are parsed as links, and body is parsed as one giant field with everything else.

Real-Time Energy Management with InfluxDB and eSoftLink IoT Platform

Smart energy IoT platforms are empowering consumers to track energy usage and even control spend based on their next bill’s forecast. Yet eSoftThings, a specialist in the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), set out to push smart energy management even further, for both consumers and utility companies, through its IoT platform eSoftLink.

A new look for Delight, the free, cross-platform monitoring UI for Spark

Delight is a free, cross-platform monitoring UI for Apache Spark featuring: You can install it on top of any existing Spark infrastructure – EMR, Databricks, Spark-on-Kubernetes open-source, Cloudera/Hortonworks, … – by attaching an open-source agent to your Spark applications. Delight consists of an open-source agent attached to your Spark job, and a hosted backend accessible at delight.datamechanics.co.

How to monitor Hadoop with OpenTelemetry

We are back with a simplified configuration for another critical open-source component, Hadoop. Monitoring Hadoop applications helps to ensure that the data sets are distributed as expected across the cluster. Although Hadoop is considered to be very resilient to network mishaps, monitoring Hadoop clusters is inevitable. Hadoop is monitored using the JMX receiver. The configuration detailed in this post uses observIQ’s distribution of the OpenTelemetry collector.

TL;DR InfluxDB Tech Tips: Migrating to InfluxDB Cloud

If you’re an InfluxDB user you might be considering migrating your workload to InfluxDB Cloud. You probably want to free yourself from the responsibilities associated with managing and serving your OSS account. Perhaps you are finding that you simply cannot scale your OSS instance vertically to meet your needs. Maybe you want to use all of the Flux functions that are available to you in InfluxDB Cloud.

What Are Unit Economics and How Are They Calculated?

Cloud spend is a significant line item in every company’s IT budget, and controlling it is especially important in today’s challenging economic climate. A steep decline in share prices, valuations, and a slowdown in venture capital funding have led CEOs to cut costs within their large line items, reduce their workforce, and reevaluate their unit economics — especially their margin per customer. The question is, how many organizations know their margin per customer?