A Short Guide on Mobile Application Testing

A Short Guide on Mobile Application Testing

The variety of mobile applications is constantly increasing. Consumers use them because they are convenient and easy to navigate and can completely replace the web resource. However, the coordinated work of a mobile app is impossible without high-quality testing.

It has its own characteristics and requires a special approach that will guarantee its functionality and compliance with all existing requirements. Next, you will learn what is meant by mobile testing and get acquainted with its advantages, stages and features.

The Main Mobile Application Testing Features

Releasing a mobile application is a task for most modern businesses. Using an app does not require a computer and provides users with access to the necessary software anywhere and anytime.

Mobile application testing is the process of product examination designed for use on portable devices such as tablets or phones. Since it can be downloaded to a large number of gadgets, it must be tested on most of them. You can use physical devices and turn to simulators and emulators.

Every mobile application has a complex architecture, so in order to test it comprehensively, it is worth resorting to a flexible testing methodology. It will help testers and developers work together from the very beginning and identify possible deviations at an early stage.

In addition to functionality, you definitely need to check security, usability, localization settings, and compatibility with different devices.

Why Thorough Mobile Application Testing Is Important

Since there are many mobile applications, competition is growing rapidly. To achieve success by releasing software, you need to act quickly and take care of its high quality. Applications that do not work correctly or have an incomprehensible interface will not be in demand and will bring considerable losses to developers. Don't put off the mobile testing task for a long time and try to test it right here or get a consultation for your project.

By devoting enough time to testing and making sure that the application meets all requirements and expectations, you will receive:

  • High-quality software that works smoothly and without errors.
  • A chance for widespread popularity and success of the release.
  • Increased financial opportunities for your business.

You should not neglect mobile application testing. It can be difficult, but it is a prerequisite for successful development.

Step-by-Step Guide to Mobile App Testing

Although app testing has its own characteristics, to cope with it, you need a clear plan of action. Here are the main steps that you should take to ensure high-quality mobile software.

Prepare a Testing Plan

You need to determine the methodology, approach, and strategy that you will use. You can resort to manual testing or combine it with an automated one. Set a testing schedule and final deadline, and distribute responsibilities within the team.

Define Key Indicators and Verification Tasks

Each app has a different priority. Your task is to analyze which indicators will determine the quality of the app and which main functions should be tested. In addition, check whether the app works well on different devices, screens, and OS. Pay attention to localization settings. The app should support multiple languages and take into account the cultural characteristics of the locations where it can be used.

Create and Execute Test Cases

Prepare test cases that will have the greatest coverage and guarantee high process efficiency. You can perform them yourself, involve outsourced QA specialists, and implement an automated approach.

Find and Minimize Defects

The result of any testing is the detection of software defects that can negatively affect its functionality and demand. Based on the information obtained after testing, prioritize bugs and take care of their correction by developers.

Conduct Final Control

After all the errors are eliminated, your task is to test the application again to make sure that no new bugs have appeared. If there are none and the application works correctly, you can prepare it for release.

You should repeat regression tests every time your application is updated. It guarantees the absence of errors and the high reliability of the software.

Several More Tips to Consider

To prevent testing from being time-consuming and effortful, take into account a few simple but effective tricks. They will help speed up and improve the testing process. Their list includes the following:

  1. Prepare a testing plan and do not act hastily. A plan prepared in advance will help determine the main performance indicators and evaluate them without delays.
  2. Test the application in stages. The classic methodology does not always fit mobile app testing. Using an agile model is often more appropriate.
  3. Try to increase test coverage. Implement automated testing to analyze more test cases.