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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Five worthy reads: Preparing for AI adoption amidst a serious skills shortage

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In the era of mass AI adoption, aimed at enabling disruptive technology innovations, this week we will explore the concern over skill shortages in the AI market. Illustration by Balaji K.R. Artificial intelligence(AI) remains a major technology driver for 2022 and beyond. It has been ranked in the top technology trends consistently for several years.

API contract testing with Joi

When you sign a contract, you expect both parties to hold their end of the bargain. The same can be true for testing applications. Contract testing is a way to make sure that services can communicate with each other and that the data shared between the services is consistent with a specified set of rules. In this post, I will guide you through using Joi as a library to create API contracts for services consuming an API.

A FinServ Charming Legend - Automating application deployment and management

This session explores how charmed operators help streamline the deployment and Day-2 ops of Legend platform. Goldman Sachs had open sourced its internally developed Legend data management platform into FINOS. Legend is an end-to-end data platform that handles the full data lifecycle used across pricing, risk and reporting business function for FS organisations. It allows companies to build data-driven applications and insightful business intelligence dashboards.

We Just Gave $154,999.89 to Open Source Maintainers

Sentry is an open source company. We started out in 2008 as a small open source side project, and we grew within the community for years before commercializing in 2012. We’ve worked hard to keep our full product as open source as possible, while scaling as a business. Considering our commitment to open source, we are grateful to be able to give back to the community (and what better time than during Hacktoberfest, amirite?). (P.S.

Building out the Open RAN ecosystem for end-to-end cloud structure deployments at scale

Connectivity is often a key priority for operators today. But in the race towards better connectivity, they tend to forget that there’s a tremendous amount of money in the services that run over top (OTT). In a world that’s rapidly moving towards #5G, service impact should be as big a priority as connectivity. #5G E2E is up and running already, and early adopters of open solutions and #cloudnative are winning in the market. Operators need to learn how to develop specifically for OTT services so they can monetize them faster. Waiting won’t help!

Making developers' lives better with Aiven

What is the story behind Aiven? Oskari Saarenmaa (Co-Founder & CEO) and Soumya Bijjal (Director of Product Management), talk about the journey of Aiven and the bright future that lies ahead in the open source industry. You will also hear how Aiven takes the pain away from running cloud data infrastructure and enables customers to drive business results from open source. With Aiven, developers can focus on what they love best: creating applications. No more maintenance headaches!

Finserv open source security

The fintech ecosystem is flourishing and exciting things are happening these days at the intersection of digital technology and financial services – thanks in part to an infusion of global fintech investment that reached US$98 billion across 2,456 deals in H1’21. This far outpaces last year’s annual total of $121.5 billion across 3,520 deals.

Demystifying the complexity of cloud-native 5G network functions deployment using Robin CNP

Some of the key requirements as operators deploy #telecom data centers include managing their NFs in a cloud-native world to achieve low-latency and high throughput for #5G applications, meeting scalability targets, achieving bare-metal performance without virtualization overheads, and so on. Robin’s #CloudNative Platform solves various challenges associated with #5G CNF deployments, along with delivering the convenience of zero touch automation, multi-cloud portability, and hyperscale orchestration.