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Kubernetes GitOps with Rancher Continuous Delivery

As the number of Kubernetes clusters under management increases, application owners and cluster operators need a programmatic way to approach cluster management. Rancher CD solves this by creating a git driven engine for applying cluster changes. Declarative code is stored in a git repo. As changes are committed to the repo, linked clusters are automatically updated. Gitops keeps all your clusters consistent, version controlled, and reduces the administrative burden as you scale.

Effective troubleshooting with Grafana Loki - query basics

Loki doesn't index your logs, and that is a very different approach than popular full-text search engines like Elasticsearch or Solr That sounds like a huge constraint. How can you do powerful searches if you don't index the log lines? After this video, you now know how to use Loki's "filter" capability for forensic troubleshooting. Happy searching!

How to collaborate on a launch plan remotely with Confluence | Atlassian

Learn how to turn a project plan template into a feature launch comms plan and collaborate remotely with your cross-functional team. Confluence is a team workspace where knowledge and collaboration meet. It's a central source of truth for fast-moving companies. Confluence keeps everyone organized and aligned – with everything from meeting notes to strategy docs and IT documentation – so they can make better decisions faster and be more responsive to change.

Sips - "Monolith to Microservices: Scaling - AKA, Blowing things Up!"

Coffee and Containers "Sips" are short clips from the regular Coffee and Containers web series. Often times, teams get really excited once they start to see benefits from a microservices architecture, and they start migrating everything. But scaling brings in an entirely new set of challenges. Gone are the days of simply throwing more load balancers at the problem. What are some additional challenges that teams are going to encounter when they start to scale and what are some strategies that can help them address some of these things?