Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

How to

Getting Started with Normalization and Enrichment

In BigPanda, normalization is the translation of payloads from different systems into a consistent taxonomy. Enrichment is the process of adding context to the alerts by associating them with relevant information such as topology maps, runbook links, metadata and more. In this video we are going to walk you through a powerful technique for normalizing & enriching alerts called Custom Tags.

Getting Started with Correlation

Correlation is a method of grouping related monitoring alerts into a single high-level incident. In this video, we'll explain how BigPanda utilizes pattern recognition to automatically detect which alerts are likely related; correlates them into high-level, actionable incidents; and allows you to see, edit and test the correlation patterns before going into production.

OnPage Incident Management - Perfect for ITOps, Clinical and Crisis Communication

Consolidate IT alerts on to one platform. Access time stamped alerts with relevant information. Manage incident responders and stakeholders through secure messaging, live ticket updates and postmortem reporting. Rock-solid reliability. Clinical Communications Platform Connect healthcare personnel through HIPAA compliant messaging and alerts. Manage on-call shifts and automate alerts. Real-Time Call Routing connects patients to caregivers.