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Let the Orion Platform Do the Heavy Lifting | Using the Orion API for Fun and Profit: Session 2

Continuing the discussion from the previous THWACK Livecast about letting the Orion® Platform products automate your work, we’ll be stepping away from the web console and start digging into the SolarWinds Orion Application Programming Interface (API). The power of the Orion API is in its flexibility. If you want to unmanage or mute devices to coincide with your change management windows, or do bulk actions on devices, or even add devices to monitoring from nothing more than an IP address, it can be done with the API.

Taznu Talk: How to Draw an Owl, and, how VMware Tanzu helps you transform

This is a new EBC-ish talk from Coté on how to overcome four common barriers to getting better at software in large organizations: can’t change fast enough, bad tools and long wait times, no one trusts change so doesn’t, legacy systems. It gives a brief overview of what the VMware Tanzu portfolio is all about, what the point of getting better at software is, and then covers four common barriers to change for large organizations and how they overcome them. All with a little help from Tanzu, of course.

How AI and ML will impact the future of software development with Nathan Mellis

Rob sits down with Nathan Mellis, Director of Engineering at Modzy to discuss all things ML and AI in the space of software development. Get answers to questions like, Join this fascinating conversation of where the industry of software development is headed next.

Preventing Kubernetes misconfigurations and deprecations with Datree

Join Datree’s Shimon Tolts and Civo’s Kunal Kushwaha and as they talk about preventing Kubernetes misconfigurations and deprecations. Shimon walks through why you should automate your Kubernetes cluster upgrades and scan for deprecations regularly, and ultimately, how to do this easily with open source tooling. Kunal focuses on minimizing Kubernetes misconfigurations that can cause clusters to fail in production with Datree. Including setup and installation of the tool, some of the key features, policy management, tokens, and more.

Accelerating Cloud Monitoring via the Logz.io Azure Native Integration

Watch this Logz.io and the Azure Cloud team webinar to learn about the Logz.io Azure Marketplace native integration. More specifically, about: Collecting logs from Azure resources or applications in minutes with Logz.io — all within the Azure Portal. Integrate Logz.io with Active Directory SSO for access control. Collect their logs through a new “pay for what you use” pricing model — rather than committing to log volumes and plans upfront.

Why the Return to the Office Can Kill Microsoft Teams Performance

With the participation of Cam Smith, Microsoft Teams Product Manager at Microsoft Canada. What Teams performance challenges will organizations face as they return to the office, and how do you avoid them proactively? This educational webinar will showcase these topics.