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APM for Vendor Provided Business Critical Enterprise Applications

Traditionally, Application Performance Management (APM) is usually associated with solutions that instrument application code. There are two fundamental limitations with such associations. If instrumenting the code is what APM is all about, then APM is applicable only to homegrown applications for which access to code is available.

The Importance of Baselining for End-User Experience Management

If your business depends on mission-critical web or legacy applications, then monitoring how your end users interact with your applications is critical. The end users’ experience after pressing the ENTER key or clicking Submit might decide the bottom line of your enterprise. Most monitoring solutions try to infer the end-user experience based on resource utilization.

Anatomy of a Profitable Side Project: StatusGator 2016 Review

In 2016, my side project StatusGator garnered enough paying customers to be profitable. I have wanted to document and share what I’ve learned along the way for months. But doing so requires confronting the reality that my side project is not the runaway success that I had hoped it would be, but rather a useful tool for myself and for others, that can exist forever thanks to the fact that it ekes out a meager profit on paper.

Understand.io – Online Event and Log Management

Applications logs are a critical factor in helping ensure that your online applications are running at their best. By using Understand.io you can get deep visibility into your applications in real-time, helping you to easily track down error messages, application requests, customer problems, and much more.

Server & Application Monitoring Pricing Comparison: Instrumental, New Relic, Datadog, Librato, and SignalFx

Confused about the price of an application and server monitoring tool? So were we! Every tool is priced differently and there are a lot of nuances. We’ll walk you through important terminology differences, the pros and cons of different plans, and then discuss the pricing details for Librato, New Relic, SignalFX, Datadog, and of course, Instrumental.

Node.js Application Performance Monitoring

Atatus is a comprehensive application performance management (APM) suite for Node.js applications. Atatus Node.js APM gives you the deeper visibility into the every web transactions happened in your Node.js apps. With Atatus, you can identify the slowest web transactions and see where your web requests are spending time whether it is in the database, remote services or middlewares. Atatus makes Node.js monitoring simpler and easier.