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Your Guide to Developing a Fail-Safe Incident Response Plan

Incidents happen. Every organization's technical team will face an incident sooner or later, whether planned or unplanned.An incident can be declared or initiated in response to an event or combination of events that affects the integrity or availability of a system or service in a way that impacts core business processes.

4 Recommendations for Optimizing DevOps

The concept and development of DevOps have significantly changed the way IT teams work in the last decade. Small and large teams alike can see the difference when they switch from traditional software development cycles to a DevOps cycle: accelerated innovation, improved collaboration, faster time to market. And the list of benefits continues to grow. To effectively embrace DevOps, however, is not an easy task. Thankfully, there are ways to navigate this challenging journey.

How UK Healthcare Reduced Incident Response Times from Minutes to Seconds - xMatters Demo

When there's a high severity incident at a hospital, it could be a life or death situation. So how do you get in contact with the right doctors and clinicians in such a busy environment when tensions are running high? Join Glenn Steketee, Technology Service Analyst at UK Healthcare, Sonu Sekhon, Customer Success Manager at xMatters, and Will Derksen, Product Advocate at xMatters, to discuss how xMatters reduced incident response times from minutes to seconds.

What's New in xMatters: The Ninja Release

Get ready for something exciting coming your way! xMatters latest release, Ninja, is on the horizon and will be available in production next week. Named in honor of the classic video game Ninja Gaiden, this latest batch of xMatters updates is sure to pack a punch — pun definitely intended. This release rolls out exciting new features like an intelligent Service Dependencies map and integrations with the broader Everbridge platform, among many other things.