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Why Asset Management Is Important for the Education Sector?

The education industry has lots of assets and pieces of equipment that need to be managed in the right way. However, most of their assets are lost, misplaced, or need to be repaired. The reason all these problems occur is because of the mismanagement of assets. The solution is simple, that is asset management software that is built to resolve all these types of problems. What is an asset management and how important it is for the education sector? That we will cover in this blog now.

Observability for K-12 and higher education: Top 4 challenges and how monitoring can help

K-12 and higher education institutions experienced massive changes in 2020 with the shift to online learning. New challenges arose, such as an increase in cybersecurity threats, students and staff requiring 24/7 access to their computers, and the need to update and improve infrastructure and applications IT infrastructure monitoring allows K-12 and higher education institutions to face common technology challenges both reactively and proactively.

Creating Efficiency for University Operations through Software

University operations play a pivotal role in creating a productive and successful learning environment. These are the foundations upon which the institutions are built. ‍ In order to manage a large number of students, staff, and resources, universities need robust systems that provide real-time data and transparency across all areas of their operations. Universities are complex organizations with a myriad of moving parts. Each university department has its own objectives, budgets, and personnel.

[2022] Best Software Deals and Discounts for Schools and Educational Organizations

Since the pandemic struck, education has moved even further online. Many schools are now actively transforming their programs to ensure uninterrupted remote education of high quality. This means device deployments have commonly grown to 1-to-1 — every student now has a laptop. At the same time, budget constraints don’t allow buying subscription plans for all the software schools and educational institutions need. Sounds familiar?

Transforming Education and Government IT and Cloud Environments

State, local government, and educational institutions have unique IT requirements and regulations that traditional commercial organizations don’t face. From specific IT budgeting processes to strict compliance, public sector organizations are constantly forced to maximize every IT resource in their complex IT environments.

How embedded education is disrupting fintech

You’ve probably heard before that the best thing to do with your extra money is to invest. And the stock market was built so that any average person could do just that. In fact, the New York Stock Exchange was originally just a group of merchants who met in person daily to buy and sell stocks and bonds. Over time, however, regulations were put in place that limited the type of people allowed to take part in the financial markets.

The Kids are Connected: Ensuring Connectivity in Education Networks

Connectivity is more important than ever to support our education system. BYOD, remote classes, Wi-Fi, and a variety of digital learning solutions are now just part of the equation. Education IT teams have a big task: making sure educational service delivery remains uninterrupted while balancing the constraints of limited budgets, staff, and time to support digital transformation that can keep up with modern demands.

Education Project Management Software (Guide)

Education project management software can transform learning experiences. Before the use of software, educational teams collaborated in meetings rooms and teacher lounges, and student reports were sent home to parents in crisp brown envelopes. Those days are gone. Times are changing and educators now have a wide range of digital collaboration tools to choose from.

The Service Desk and Parenthood's Shared Classroom

This past April, my husband and I took on our most exciting and daunting chapter yet: parenthood. Despite the chaos around us, we made the most of our pregnancy and thoroughly enjoyed sifting through baby clothes, putting together his nursery, choosing a name...the works. When it came time to bring our little guy home, I thought we had relatively grounded expectations for what our lives would look like as a family of three.

How is Cloud Adoption Changing Public School Education?

As the past year has shown, cloud computing has proved a vital service for K–12 public schools. It’s enabled online learning during a time of critical need, and the schools who have embraced cloud adoption have thrived and will continue to do so. Let’s look at the ways the cloud is changing public school education today—and some of the common bumps administrators and IT teams should avoid along the way.