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Catch JavaScript Errors from your Shopify Theme

As a Shopify theme gets more fully featured, it is likely that large amounts of JavaScript are being used to improve and expand the user experience. Making theme changes gets more nerve wracking as the amount of code increases. Did my sales go down because I broke something with the last JavaScript change? If you’re worried about that next theme publish, it’s time to start monitoring user experiences for JavaScript errors. TrackJS makes error monitoring quick and easy to do!

Fix your actual slow-loading assets with Resource Monitoring

Slow-loading assets on your web pages can lead to frustrated users, high bounce rates, and lost conversions. For the vast majority of websites, slow-loading resources will be your main performance bottleneck. There’s no way to get around going through the network for essential resources like JavaScript, CSS, and images — thus, it’s crucial that you can quickly identify and fix your slow-loading assets.

An Introduction to OpenTelemetry JavaScript

Monitoring and observing application performance is a cornerstone for maintaining robust and efficient systems in the ever-evolving development landscape. One key player in this domain is OpenTelemetry. This post provides a comprehensive tutorial and unpacks what OpenTelemetry is, its applications and integration into the JavaScript ecosystem.

Fallbacks for HTTP 404 images in HTML and JavaScript

Your images are 404ing all over the place. You’ve got an angry email from a client. Their site is “broken”, images aren’t loading, cumulative layout shift is running riot, and everything is messed up. The crowds are mocking your broken code on Twitter. A fun GIF loaded via a Giphy URL no longer exists. And someone has accidentally deleted an image from the CMS.

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Symbolicating stack traces from Apple system libraries

In the world of software development, quickly finding and fixing errors drives better experiences for both end-users and developers. One key tool in this process is the symbol map, which records debugging information that was lost in the compilation process. Symbol maps (or source maps if we're talking JavaScript) connect the code developers write to the minified code in production, making it easier to decipher crashes by pinpointing the exact source code that caused the error.

Mocha vs Jasmine, Chai, Sinon & Cucumber in 2024

Javascript has been enabling browsers for years, and for better or for worse, the internet is made of JS. NodeJS brought it to the server side. TypeScript has wrapped familiar object-oriented, statically-typed syntax around it. Anywhere you look, you’ll find Javascript: on the client, server, mobile, and embedded systems.

Web Unleashed 2023: Publishing JavaScript Libraries Made Easy - Abhijeet Prasad

Now more than ever, it’s complicated to publish an JavaScript library, especially if it’s open source. You have to keep in mind different JS runtimes, different TypeScript settings, and different bundler configurations – let’s not even get started on ESM vs. CJS.

Best practices for writing clean, maintainable JavaScript

The world’s biggest language comes with a huge collection of conventions and guidelines from the community’s collective wisdom. Following JavaScript best practices can help achieve faster page loads and better performance, improve code readability, and make maintenance and debugging easier. Carefully crafted code can also prevent errors and security issues, especially if it’s complemented with real-time diagnostic tools such as JavaScript error monitoring.

Track Frontend JavaScript exceptions with Playwright fixtures

Table of contents Frankly, end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring are challenging in today’s JavaScript-heavy world. There’s so much asynchronous JavaScript code running in modern applications that getting tests stable can be a real headscratcher. That’s why many teams rely on testing mission-critical features and treat “testing the rest” as a nice to have. It’s a typical cost-effort decision.