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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

6 common issues and how to tackle them with Kubernetes monitoring tools

Kubernetes, one of the most popular container management systems, automates the work necessary for deploying and scaling a containerized application by managing a large number of interdependent microservices. Additionally, it allows for the migration and deployment of containerized applications across different platforms in a multi-cloud environment.

Harnessing the potential of 5G with Kubernetes

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology which is transforming the way we connect and communicate. With data transfer speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G, 5G technology enables faster download and upload times, lower latency and a higher number of connected devices. Additionally, 5G networks will support a wider range of frequencies, including high and low bands, which will ensure wider coverage and greater reliability.

FinOps Observability: Monitoring Kubernetes Cost

With the current financial climate, cost reduction is top of mind for everyone. IT is one of the biggest cost centers in organizations, and understanding what drives those costs is critical. Many simply don’t understand the cost of their Kubernetes workloads, or even have observability into basic units of cost. This is where FinOps comes into play, and organizations are beginning to implement those best practice standards to understand their cost.

Prometheus and Kubernetes Metrics Ingestion

Prometheus is one the the most acclaimed solutions for Kubernetes monitoring. There are multiple add-ons and exporters that facilitate the task of pulling Kubernetes metrics. Sysdig Monitor is a cloud-native observability platform that helps businesses with the whole observability lifecycle. It provides simplicity at all times, allowing companies to rapidly pull their Kubernetes and Prometheus metrics without headaches.

What's New in Sysdig - February 2023

What’s New in Sysdig is back again with the February 2023 edition! I am Michael Rudloff, an Enterprise Sales Engineer based in the United Kingdom, and I am very excited to update you with the latest feature releases from Sysdig. This month, Sysdig Secure brings a couple of new features. We have added reports to Risk Spotlight – Risk Spotlight can show you which packages with vulnerabilities are currently in use in a running container across your whole Kubernetes environment.

Canonical Edge Demo - AWS Deployment

Microk8s cluster deployment on AWS via CAPI In this demo, we will be deploying a microk8s cluster on AWS. The cluster consists of 3 control plane and 3 worker nodes. The deployment is performed using Cluster API (CAPI). For the full demo, join us at MWC Barcelona 2023 where you'll be able to see Spectro Cloud's Palette automation engine deploying and managing Canonical's MicroK8s Kubernetes distribution on Ubuntu OS with real-time kernel. Witness the capabilities to create, scale, upgrade, and destroy Kubernetes clusters, with demonstrations on AWS and Edge use cases.

Strategies for Kubernetes Cluster Administrators: Understanding Pod Scheduling

Kubernetes has revolutionized container orchestration, allowing developers to deploy and manage applications at scale. However, as the complexity of a Kubernetes cluster grows, managing resources such as CPU and memory becomes more challenging. Efficient pod scheduling is critical to ensure optimal resource utilization and enable a stable and responsive environment for applications to run in.

How to Create and Manage Secrets in Kubernetes

Kubernetes Secrets are a built-in resource type that's used to store sensitive data. This blog teaches you how to work with Secrets in Kubernetes. Kubernetes can do many things, but we usually refer to it as a “container orchestrator.” Orchestrating containers means starting and restarting them when needed, ensuring their configuration matches the declared state, and autoscaling them. But Kubernetes can do much more than that.

Automate Your Deployments on Kubernetes Using GitHub Workflows and JFrog Artifactory Custom Webhooks

Full automation makes your Continuous Deployment (CD) faster, seamless and less error prone. For example, triggering the deployment of your Helm Chart when a Docker image is pushed to production. The latest JFrog Artifactory release makes this easy! With a new Custom Webhook feature that enables a direct integration with a variety of services such as Gitlab Pipelines, Jenkins and GitHub Actions.