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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

How Value Stream Management Uses Observability to Optimize Flow

This is the second in a three-post series themed around Ops-led DevOps, where I explore the relationship between observability and a set of software delivery lifecycle practices that support the adoption of DevOps principles and the transition from project to product centric ways of working. I started with Site Reliability Engineering, here I consider Value Stream Management (VSM) and I will finish with Continuous Delivery. Defining VSM Forrester defines VSM as.

Get on the Right Track with Our Rails Integration!

Thanks to awesome contributions from the community and the hard work of our integrations team, the Honeycomb Rails integration comes with lots of great features out of the box. This post is an end-to-end tutorial to show you exactly the steps involved, from creating a new Honeycomb team to getting your data in and observing your app in production.

Alerting and anomaly detection for uptime and reliability

Being able to easily monitor the health of all your sites and services from multiple global locations is a powerful tool for site reliability. However, no one wants to sit and stare at a status dashboard all day. Naturally, teams want to be alerted when there is an issue. We can do that with alerting in Kibana. And when coupled with Elastic machine learning, alerts can be automatically generated from anomalies that are automatically detected. That’s the power of Elastic Observability.

Digital Experience Monitoring with Tanzu Observability and Catchpoint Integration

In today’s highly digitized world, a seamless digital experience is an important aspect of driving customer behavior. As businesses adopt commercial cloud stacks to run applications, a lack of both control and visibility paired with increasing cloud complexity can create situations that blindside business owners.

Meet the Fastest Forwarder on the Net

I have recently been heads-down working on a large Splunk Cloud PoV (20+ TB / day), and the customer asked if Splunk supported their forwarding technology called Vector. I had never heard of Vector, so I took a note to do further research. I couldn’t find anyone else at Splunk who had seen this technology before, so I embarked on a little research project. What I discovered surprised me—Vector is actually fairly powerful, and cool!

Elastic at KubeCon Europe 2020: Orchestration to observability, and beyond!

KubeCon Europe 2020 is virtual this year, and Elastic is doing our part to help "keep cloud native connected." We would rather be there in person to shake hands, tell stories, and laugh, but the challenges of a virtual conference also provide the opportunity to share great content and materials that we might not be able to at a crowded booth.

How Jacada DevOps Integrated Security into Observability

Watch the webinar to hear how Jacada:

  • Leverages open source technology to meet their observability, monitoring and security objectives
  • Deployed Logz.io’s Log Management solution to streamline logging and make it an easy and accessible component of their architecture, alleviating the workload placed upon the shoulders of the DevOps team
  • Relies on Cloud SIEM’s triggered security rules, dashboards and scheduled reports to gain full visibility into their risk environment

End-to-End Java Observability in 5 Simple Steps

Java is one of the most popular, flexible and useful programming languages with a very vibrant community to support it. Many of our customers use Java to create amazing applications, it’s an application on a single VM, or based on microservices running on Kubernetes. Naturally, we made it simple to understand the performance of Java-based applications using SignalFx Microservices APM.