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The latest News and Information on Observabilty for complex systems and related technologies.

Bootstrapping a multi DC cloud native observability stack by Bram Vogelaar

An introduction to Observability and how to setup a highly available monitoring platform, across multiple data centers. During this talk we investigate how to config a monitoring setup across 2 DCs using Prometheus, Loki, Tempo, Alertmanager and Grafana. Bram Vogelaar spent the first part of his career as a Molecular Biologist, he then moved on to supporting his peers by building tools and platforms for them with a lot of Open Source technologies. He now works as a DevOps Cloud Engineer at The Factory.

Honeycomb Differentiators Series: SLOs That Tell the Whole Story

In the recent past, most engineering teams had a vague notion of what Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Service Level Objectives (SLOs) were—mainly things that their more business-focused colleagues talked about at length during contract negotiations. The success or failure of SLAs were tallied via magic calculations (what is “available” anyway?!) at the end of the month or quarter, and adjustments were made in the form of credits or celebrations in the break room.

What is Observability?

Observability is a term that is becoming commonplace in both startups and enterprises. Log observability is different from monitoring, as it provides visualized metrics from a variety of different systems in a single pane of glass view. This is invaluable for organizations to understand the interdependencies and links between external events and internal performance.

Announcing General Availability of the Honeycomb Query Data API

The Query Data API is a Honeycomb Enterprise feature. With a Honeycomb Enterprise account, you can use this API today. Head over to our API docs to learn how to get access to your data. If you aren’t yet a Honeycomb Enterprise user, try it out by requesting an Enterprise Trial. Starting today, Honeycomb Enterprise customers can use the Honeycomb Query Data API to programmatically run queries and retrieve their results, and pull query results into any data visualization tool of their choice.

Elastic Observability: Driving mean time to resolution to zero

At ElasticON Global 2021, Tanya Bragin, VP Product, Observability, and the Elastic Observability team showed how ongoing innovations continue to deliver actionable insights and faster root cause detection, reducing mean time to resolution (MTTR). The adoption of cloud, microservices, and ephemeral infrastructure is driving increased complexity, requiring an observability solution to provide end-to-end visibility.

ITOps Needs Observability Like Batman Needs Lucius Fox

Some things just go better together. Like barbeque and blues, sunsets and beaches, cheese and fine wine — hey, even software and superheroes go better together! That’s why in this blog we are going to look at why IT Operations and Observability just go better together, through a superhero analogy. Enter the Dark Knight himself — Batman! He will represent observability. IT Operations will be represented by Lucius Fox.

The Blog Is Dead; Long Live the Blog

Ever since the very beginning, Honeycomb has poured a lot of heart and soul into our blog. We take pride in knowing it isn’t just your typical stream of feature updates and marketing promotions, but rather real, meaty pieces of technical depth, practical how-to guides, highly detailed retrospectives, and techno-philosophical pieces. One of my favorite things is when people who aren’t customers tell me how much they love our blog.