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How to Monitor Zoom Network Performance | Obkio

Zoom’s popularity has skyrocketed over the past year. It’s not only an application that we use for convenience, but for many of us, we rely on it for everyday conversation VoIP Quality and unified communication applications, like Zoom, can be drastically impacted by poor network performance. So monitoring network performance helps you identify performance issues & improve your Zoom performance.

Accelerating DevOps Using Cloud Native Technologies With AWS, Docker & JFrog

In this webinar we help you gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of migrating and modernizing applications from a monolithic architecture to microservices, in order to accelerate DevOps processes. We outline the efforts required to reach this stage of sophistication in application development and deployment.

How NOT to take a side project to startup - Dev Matters S1E03

What side projects make terrible startups? What should you avoid when trying to make the transition? In this episode of Dev Matters, Don and his guest Dylan Etkin discuss side projects and lessons learned taking Sleuth from a side project to a startup. This episode was recorded in front of a live studio audience on Twitch.

How to Improve Kubernetes Management and Administration with LogDNA

In this video, we will show how LogDNA helps DevOps teams using Kubernetes to consume, control and collaborate with logs. By providing value to data from every source, including Kubernetes, developers are empowered to leverage logs to ensure they can continue to accelerate development cycles, and Ops teams can easily onboard microservices teams without the need to modify their infrastructure.