How to Monitor Zoom Network Performance | Obkio

How to Monitor Zoom Network Performance | Obkio

Apr 29, 2021

Zoom’s popularity has skyrocketed over the past year. It’s not only an application that we use for convenience, but for many of us, we rely on it for everyday conversation

VoIP Quality and unified communication applications, like Zoom, can be drastically impacted by poor network performance. So monitoring network performance helps you identify performance issues & improve your Zoom performance.

Here's how Choose a Network Performance Monitoring Software
A network performance monitoring software, like Obkio, monitors end-to-end network performance with more detail than you can ever achieve manually.

With Obkio you get:

  • End-to-end network monitoring
  • Monitoring with synthetic traffic
  • Automatic alerts for network issues
  • Continuous measurement of network metrics Deploy an AWS Agent

Zoom is supported by AWS. It leverage AWS’s infrastructure, storage, and security to deliver its services.

So when you’re looking to monitor Zoom network performance, use a Public Monitoring Agent hosted within Amazon’s AWS platform.

Public Monitoring Agents monitor network performance between your standard Monitoring Agents and the Microsoft Azure platform.

  • Choose the Right Agent Location
    Zoom leverages Amazon’s AWS infrastructure and therefore stores customer data in Amazon’s global cloud locations.

    When monitoring Zoom, choose a Public Monitoring Agent which has been deployed in the Data Center located closest to the AWS Data Center closest to you.

  • Deploy More than 2 Agents
    We recommend deploying a minimum of more than two Agents to more accurately compare data.

    For example, if you’re monitoring Microsoft network performance between your head office and your Internet, use one Agent in our Head Office & Agents to monitor Internet performance (example, an Azure Agent and an AWS Agent). Start Monitoring!
    Once you’ve set up your AWS Agent & created monitoring sessions, you're ready to monitor Zoom performance!

    Learn more in our Getting Started Documentation & Try Obkio for free

    Obkio is a simple network performance monitoring solution that allows users to continuously monitor the health of their network and core business applications to improve the end-user experience.

    Easily identify the source of a system failure and so you can quickly apply the corrective measures, right at the heart of the problem, before it affects your end users.

    Try Obkio for free here: