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Vulnerability Management and DevSecOps with CI/CD

Many of the world's highest performing software development teams have adopted DevOps practices, simplifying software builds, testing, and deployment. But standard DevOps process fails to address a vital issue: security and vulnerability management. Learn how to shift security left and get your entire team onboard to maintain the security of their libraries and container images.

End Your CMDB Saga with AIOps + Automation

The CMDB has been around for decades, creating heartache and misery for the IT people tasked with maintaining it. Originally implemented to help track and manage ever-changing IT assets, more often than not, the CMDB is outdated the moment the last keystrokes are made. This eBook explores the checkered past of the CMDB and how AIOps and IT automation tools are helping it overcome its bad reputation to usher in a new era where the CMDB can finally deliver on its long-awaited promise.

Maximize IT Investment by Integrating with CloudReady and ServiceNow

Businesses around the world are striving to accelerate digital transformation and increase IT visibility but tool incompatibility and API integration can be obstacles. This white paper shows how Exoprise CloudReady can be easily integrated into tools such as ServiceNow, Splunk, PagerDuty, MoogSoft, Slack, etc., and streamline incident management.

IT Innovation Without Disruption

Why is that IT innovation is often synonymous with employee disruption? It seems like you cannot make any improvements without interrupting employees and taking time away from their workday. We think-no, we know-there's a better way to innovate and improve the delivery of new applications & IT services. These 10 success stories from our customers in the IT Innovation Without Disruption eBook show you that there's a better way forward.

Combine network and application monitoring for visibility into the digital experience

Silos won't help you scale your business, and lack of visibility into both network and application leaves the digital experience at risk. To reduce downtime, share information seamlessly, and troubleshoot more effectively, you need end-to-end visibility into both the application and network.