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In Pursuit of the Dark NOC: Transforming the Future of Network Operations with Automation & AIOps

Network operations have evolved radically in the wake of digital transformation - and the increasing infrastructure complexity that accompanied it. As NetOps teams roll out and support next-generation technologies, they face a myriad of challenges and changes in their daily operations. Every network team is under unprecedented pressure to safeguard business continuity, network security, and quality of service at all costs. Reliable and high-performing connectivity has truly never been more important, making the role of the NOC more critical than ever before.

Leading Your Team to DevOps Maturity

There are many reasons teams get stuck in the process of adopting DevOps. Now Rob Zuber, CircleCI CTO, brings an inspiring and practical guide to moving your team further up the DevOps maturity ladder, regardless of where you are now. In this ebook, Rob brings two decades of experience leading teams to work for you, with practical takeaways and strategies that work for real-world teams, from startups to enterprise companies.

6 Automations to Accelerate IT Operations

The role of IT teams continues to expand and evolve as digital transformation accelerates. Technologies such as cloud, virtualization, edge computing, microservices, and containers have now entered a phase of mass adoption and are being implemented at unprecedented rates while staffing has remained flat for most IT teams. Overburdened IT organizations are struggling to keep up with the scale of their infrastructure and the diversity of the technologies they support.

A CIO's View of Observability: The Key to Balancing Strategic and Operational Needs

IT executives are being invited to play critical, strategic roles in the enterprise. The combination of disruptive threats, transformational momentum, and the pandemic that accelerated both have thrust you into the limelight. But these same drivers have also made your job exponentially more challenging. The need for technology to play a strategic role in every nook and cranny of the enterprise has resulted in a far-flung, ever-more-complex, and dynamic technology stack - that you must operate flawlessly to deliver competitive advantage.

Choosing a Tech Stack You Won't Regret

There's a lot of excitement and accolades around startups everywhere these days -- success stories and big payoffs. But no one talks about what it really takes to get there: the day-to-day onslaught of small, technical decisions that are expected of a technical leader in a fast-growing company. In this ebook, CircleCI CTO and 20+ year technology veteran Rob Zuber shares the tactics he's used to focus on what's important, make the right decisions at the right times, and to strategize which decisions to make now, later, or never.