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How Flowmon Can Help You Control Your Network

The patterns of network traffic are changing. Due to global health concerns, face-to-face contact is discouraged and home office has become a necessity, creating new challenges for network monitoring. The sudden global trend of working from home poses dilemmas for network administrators. Do they increase the company bandwidth or change Internet communications policy? In what way have network traffic characteristics changed and what does it mean for you?

Console Connect Use Cases

6 examples of how private, on-demand connectivity will transform your enterprise network Console Connect can help you transform your network with private, scalable and on-demand connectivity. Learn about six different customer cases that will help you understand how common connectivity challenges can be easily overcome with Console Connect's solution. Console Connect is a Software-Defined Interconnection platform, enabling the connection of Cloud-based, business-critical connections to always be simple, secure and straightforward.

Encrypted Traffic Analysis

Encryption is considered as security by design. It undoubtedly helps to avoid risks such as communication interception and misuse. Therefore it is natural that all responsible organizations adopt encryption as an important way of protecting business critical applications and services. According to Gartner 80 % of web traffic will be encrypted in 2019.

Work From Anywhere - 12 Tips to Help IT Support a Distributed Workforce

You will receive an email shortly containing the asset. Supporting a work-from-anywhere (WFA) model can be especially tricky for IT and at times, down right counterproductive for employees. Get practical advice that has been tested by 1,000s of Nexthink customers. Learn how your IT team can deliver a powerful Digital Employee Experience to your distributed workforce in these 12 simple steps.