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StartingPoint - 2020 - Testimonials - Sean Velasquez, Managing Partner of American Income Life

Sean Velasquez, Managing Partner of American Income Life and Cohen-Velasquez Agency, shares his testimonial of using StartingPoint to create efficient workflow operations for his team and his customers and clients.

StartingPoint - 2020 - Testimonial - Chris Trujillo, Director of Customer Operations at Employbridge

Chris Trujillo, Director of Customer Operations at Employbridge, shares his testimonial of Employbridge's use of StartingPoint to improve their customer operations and customer experience.

A New Year and a New Ivanti

2020. A year that will never be forgotten and one that has had everlasting impacts on business operations, how we work, and our daily lives. As I reflect on this past year, I realize that 2020 has been the longest test for us all. 365 days long. It’s been the year of rapid change, one where adopting innovative adaptability is critical. I have been thinking about my New Year’s resolution and discovered that 2021 is the year when we make a collective resolution.

Threat Thursdays: 2020 A Year in Review

We can finally bid a not so fond farewell to 2020. Looking back at our Threat Thursday series in reflection there is no way other than to say 2020 was a brutal year in cybersecurity. 2019 had already driven ransomware into high gear, but the seven-figure ransom extorted from Travelex really set the tone for what was to come this year. The New Year is a time to reflect, but most importantly it’s a time to learn from the past to create a safer, more secure future.

COVID-19's lasting effect on cybersecurity and what to expect in the new year

As 2020 comes to an end, it’s normal to reflect upon the year’s challenges, innovations, and achievements. When we look back on 2020, the hardships we all endured collectively across the globe seem to stack higher than other recent years. A pandemic swept across the world, rapidly shifting the ways we communicate, work, and connect with others. And hacks, scams, and ransomware attacks were at an all-time high.

Automated IT Software and Customer Services: The Key to Today's UX

Service experience is more important than the service itself! Successful service experience goes beyond simply delivering the right business outcome. As your user base has all sorts of individuals, it is necessary to make sure that your solution is the perfect fit for all of them. It should satisfy their professional needs in the best possible way and also deliver a service experience that meets the contextual needs and professional expectations of the end-user.

The Wait is Over: Ivanti Desktop and Server Management (DSM) 2020.2 is here

Ivanti’s extended products group is pleased to bring you the latest release – Desktop and Server Management 2020.2. This update includes improved password encryption, tighter Ivanti Xtraction integration, a new remote control feature (BETA), and a new MSIX Packaging Wizard.

Reduce operational risk with a strong data classification foundation

Alcon Laboratories is the global leader in eye care, with a history spanning more than seven decades. The company offers a broad portfolio of products to enhance sight and improve people’s lives. Each year, more than 260 million people in 140+ countries rely on its surgical and vision care products to address conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal diseases, and refractive errors.