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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

New GKE dashboards and metrics provide deeper visibility into your environment

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a managed Kubernetes service that enables users to deploy and orchestrate containerized applications on Google’s infrastructure. Datadog’s GKE integration, when paired with our Kubernetes integration, has always provided deep visibility into the health and performance of your clusters at the node, pod, container, and application levels.

State of Data on Kubernetes 2022 Survey Shows Big Payoffs for Kubernetes

Data is a modern company’s greatest asset, if used effectively. After all, in our always-connected economy, the most valuable business applications are data-driven. Customers expect real-time interactions powered by millions of end-points and massive amounts of data. To remain competitive in the market, organizations are adopting fast data applications to create new business models and transform industries, and Kubernetes is increasing the velocity with which they can be deployed.

Containers vs. Virtual Machines: Rivals or Friends?

Containers have been the buzz among developers in recent years with the adoption of cloud-native orchestration tools like Kubernetes and DevOps workflows centered around containers. At the same time, virtual machines (VMs) still power many enterprise workloads, whether they’re running in a public cloud provider like Azure or an on-premises data center running VMware. In one of my early jobs, we built a private cloud—in 2012. This was a ground-breaking project at the time.

Getting started with EKS and Calico

Cloud-native applications offer a lot of flexibility and scalability, but to leverage these advantages, we must create and deploy a suitable environment that will enable cloud-native applications to work their magic. Managed services, self-managed services, and bare metal are three primary categories of Kubernetes deployment in a cloud environment.

Managing your Kubernetes cluster with Elastic Observability

As an operations engineer (SRE, IT manager, DevOps), you’re always struggling with how to manage technology and data sprawl. Kubernetes is becoming increasingly pervasive and a majority of these deployments will be in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Some of you may be on a single cloud while others will have the added burden of managing clusters on multiple Kubernetes cloud services.