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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

September 2018 Online Meetup: Understanding Storage Options for Kubernetes using Rancher & Longhorn

Although more and more companies choose to containerize their applications and to use Kubernetes to orchestrate their containers, they continue to face a common challenge: how to preserve application data even after a container closes. Without the ability to persist data, containers might seem to have limited use in many workloads, especially in stateful applications and database architectures.

Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus - Prometheus operator tutorial (part 3).

We covered how to install a complete ‘Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus’ stack in the previous chapters of this guide. But using the Prometheus Operator framework and its Custom Resource Definitions has significant advantages over manually adding metric targets and service providers, which can become cumbersome for large deployments and doesn’t fully utilize Kubernetes’ orchestrator capabilities.

Deploying AppDynamics Agents to OpenShift Using Init Containers

Ready to deploy an AppD application agent to OpenShift? These detailed examples show you how. There are several ways to instrument an application on OpenShift with an AppDynamics application agent. The most straightforward way is to embed the agent into the main application image.

Docker scanning for Jenkins CI/CD security with the Sysdig Secure plugin.

In this blog post we’ll cover how to implement Docker Scanning for Jenkins with the Sysdig Secure Jenkins plugin. The plugin can be used in both freestyle and pipeline jobs to scan images and fail the build if the image fails a policy evaluation.

Scanning images in Azure Container Registry.

With the 2.0 release of Sysdig Secure, we’re excited to support new integrations with services Azure provides around containers and Kubernetes. Today we’ll be diving deeper into how to integrate Sysdig Secure with ACR (Azure Container Registry) to scan images for for security, compliance, and reliability.

3 Things to Know While Monitoring Containers and Microservices

The adoption of microservices and container technologies has increased rapidly as DevOps teams look into faster release cycles for application delivery. However, these ephemeral technologies dramatically increase the complexity of managing, visualizing and mapping dependencies between components in your IT infrastructure. Microservices are dynamic and can scale horizontally in an instant, which poses challenges in monitoring when the locations of containers and services are constantly changing.