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4 Ways to Prepare Your Application for Remote Workers

Companies all across the world are responding to the COVID-19 crisis by taking every precaution to limit its impact on the lives of employees and customers. The virus has created a ripple effect impacting everything from a visit to the local grocery store to countless conference cancellations. And the world became aware of this crisis only a little over a month ago. Tech companies have responded by asking, and even requiring, employees to work remotely.

Transparent, resource-based pricing with Elastic Enterprise Search

Until now, standard search solution pricing has been based on models that are difficult to understand, expensive to scale, and/or beneficial to only the search vendor. At Elastic, we’re taking a different approach based on the principles of transparency, fairness, and scalability, and have introduced resource-based pricing for our products running on Elastic Cloud. And we believe that this pricing approach will revolutionize Enterprise Search buying and ownership.

InfluxData Community Update Q1 2020

At InfluxData, we love the community! Our amazing open source members are an integral part of InfluxData and have been since its founding. They’ve helped us build amazing products for time series data. This is a quick update to give you some insight into how we track metrics about our community and ensure we are building products and features that our users want to see.

Europe regions are complete on Elastic Maps Service

At Elastic, we are adding data layers to our Maps Service on a regular basis. We are proud to announce that we have recently finished adding a number of layers that complete the European continent for all second level national boundaries. The list of new layers are Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Ukraine.

In A Fast Changing World, Peer Benchmarks Are A GPS

As businesses transform their traditional business models into new digital ones, and aggressively compete for turf within the digital economy, their constant pursuit of competitive edge drives technology, process, and architectural innovations. As a result, it seems that every 18 months a technology paradigm shift comes about that enables better agility, lower cost, improved quality of service, better intelligence and more.

Configuring YAML Files after Installing the ELK Stack

What is YAML? YAML is a readable data serialization language used frequently in configuration files for software; it stands for “Ain’t Markup Language.” This article will show you samples of YAML files (written .yml or .yaml) for the ELK Stack and other programs commonly used by DevOps team. And while some people love yaml and some hate it, it’s not going away.

The benefits of observability

Grafana Labs cofounder and CEO Raj Dutt was a recent guest on the Designing Enterprise Platforms podcast from Early Adopter Research (EAR), speaking to host Dan Woods about the benefits of observability. The conversation touched on several related topics – including the tactics of observability, platform approaches, and why now is a great time to be part of an open source company.