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Dashboards Beta App: What's New in v0.4

If you haven’t yet heard...Splunk dashboards are new and improved! We released a new dashboard framework as a beta app at .conf19, and have been working hard to improve it since then. This blog post will cover the highest-impact features in the release. For notes on every feature, see the release notes on Splunkbase. To see a run-anywhere dashboard highlighting the key features from this release, copy the JSON definition from our Github.

3 Reasons Why Machine Learning Anomaly Detection is Critical for eCommerce

Do you still find yourself visually monitoring dashboards for anomalies? That leaves catching revenue-related issues to chance. It’s become humanly impossible to catch incidents on streaming data. This is why many eCommerce and data-driven companies have adopted automated anomaly detection.

A Healthy Outlook on Security From RSA Conference 2020

Another RSA Conference is in the books and despite a few vendors pulling out due to public health concerns, the show went on and offered attendees a glimpse of what lies ahead in the world of cybersecurity. The main theme for this year’s RSA event focused on the human element in addressing the behaviors and activities of users and analysts.

The U.S. Census: Driving Decisions With Data for 230 Years

After Article I of the United States Constitution establishes the legislative power of Congress, it briefly describes the process for determining the number of representatives for each state. That process, called “Apportionment,” is based on the decennial (every 10 years) census — a survey of the population of the nation that gives lawmakers an understanding of the size and composition of the population.

Integrating Particle.io with InfluxDB Cloud

If you followed the tutorial I presented a couple of years ago about integrating Particle.io with InfluxDB and were unhappy, or simply couldn’t get it working, have I got a treat for you! Integrating Particle.io with InfluxDB Cloud is very straightforward and requires no outside services or customizations outside of what Particle Cloud already offers. Here are the steps to get it all working.

How to create maintainable and reusable Logstash pipelines

Logstash is an open source data processing pipeline that ingests events from one or more inputs, transforms them, and then sends each event to one or more outputs. Some Logstash implementations may have many lines of code and may process events from multiple input sources. In order to make such implementations more maintainable, I will show how to increase code reusability by creating pipelines from modular components.

This is the Single Most Important Business KPI You Probably Aren't Even Monitoring

Having spoken with many companies, I’ve learned that while they all monitor their application performance, infrastructure, product usage, conversion rates and a variety of other user experience parameters, very few monitor the actual transactions from their payment provider.

Connecting Ethereum

ETHDenver connects developers, technologists, cypher punks, coders, crypto-economists, designers and makers to build on Ethereum, making it the perfect place to debut Splunk Connect for Ethereum. The use cases we saw added observability to blockchains like Ethereum mainnet and sidechains in real time. As the event went on, use cases and requests continued to pop up (which you'll see below); the app was used to index not just ethereum mainnet, but also sidechains such as xDai and OST Mosaic.