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Algorithmia ML Model Performance Visualization Made Easy with This InfluxDB Template

Measuring your machine learning model will help you understand how well your model is doing, how useful it is, and whether your model can perform better with more data. This is what Algorithmia Insights — a feature of Algorithmia Enterprise MLOps platform — does. Algorithmia platform accelerates your time to value for ML by delivering more models quickly and securely, as it is estimated that 85% of machine learning models never make it to production.

The Big Deal About Big Data and Kubernetes

Should you run big data workloads on Kubernetes? Not so long ago, most people would have said certainly not. Among the reasons you might have heard: Although early adoption of Kubernetes was dominated by stateless services rather than data-centric applications, more and more teams responsible for big data platforms are now looking to adopt Kubernetes, especially those looking to deploy and operate big data workloads in the cloud.

How Strivve is Helping Credit Card Issuers Capture Lost Revenue and Gain Visibility

“We all get our credit cards replaced a lot. Our online ecosystem is getting more complex with the number of accounts we have. We wanted to simplify that, and make it less complicated to get those cards back on file,” says Katherine Chavez, Director of Marketing for Strivve (formerly Switch, Inc.). Strivve is a startup that aims to take the pain out of updating credit and debit cards by automating the updating process.

Audi Business Innovation drives software development with Elasticsearch Service

Today’s cars are computers on wheels, and they’re powered by software as much as they are by batteries or gasoline. When it comes to building software for Audi, Volskwagen, Porsche, Traton, and other brands, that’s a task assigned to Audi Business Innovation (ABI). “Developers need the right tools in their hands that are easy to use,” says Stefan Teubner, an ABI team leader and DevOps engineer.

How to Build a Search Interface for Your Apps and Websites - Version 7.10

Great user interfaces are critical for search engines, but designing them can take a lot of effort. The Elastic App Search Reference UI makes it easy. In this video, you will learn how Reference UI gives you the keys to quickly set up a new custom search interface, whether you need to build a quick demo or lay the foundation of a production environment.

Elastic Contributor Program: How to contribute code

We created the Elastic Contributor Program to encourage knowledge sharing in our community and to recognize and reward the hard work of our awesome contributors. There are six different contribution types accepted in the program: event organization, presentation, written content, video, translation, and code. In this blog post, we’ll cover how to contribute code in the many free and open projects that Elastic maintains.

Leaving 2020 Behind, What's the Role of Retail Stores in the Data Age?

From store shutdown to temporary closure and limited occupancy for non-essential retail businesses, 2020 was filled with many disappointments. America’s stores were in rough shape even before the pandemic, but COVID-19 has significantly compounded the challenging retail landscape, leaving behind businesses that could not adapt to the abrupt change in the operating environment.

How to Perform Search in Elastic Workplace Search - Version 7.10

Elastic Workplace Search provides a fast, scalable, unified, and relevant search experience across all your teams’ productivity and collaboration tools, such as Google Drive, Salesforce, and GitHub (and all your custom sources, too). In this video, you’ll learn various ways of searching for content using Workplace Search.

Segment and SIGNL4: Know your Customer's Actions, Anywhere and Anytime

You have a web site, app, online shop, or SaaS offering? Then you have plenty of user actions. That can be visiting a certain page, signing up for a service or canceling a subscription. Wouldn’t it be great to know in real time when an important customer action takes place? This would allow you sales, customer service or technical teams to act immediately no matter where they are.