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6 Strategic Reasons Why Businesses Need Remote IT Support

Why Remote IT Support: Many businesses across a variety of different sectors are choosing to outsource their technology needs through remote IT support. As a result, you tend to get quicker response times and sector-specific help when you work with remote teams. Additionally, remote work is highly attractive to a lot of skilled professionals, so you are much more likely to work with an expert in the field.

Real-time insights with Aiven for Apache Flink | Aiven webinar

Operating real-time streaming analytic solutions at scale can be difficult. In this session, Senior Solutions Architect Morvarid Aprin will describe some of the common challenges encountered in this arena, and how Aiven for Apache Flink is an excellent choice in overcoming these to provide businesses with valuable real-time insights. And then, she will show us just how easy it is to spin up Aiven for Apache Flink in our intuitive Console, and take a look at some use cases.

How to build data analytics pipelines faster than your morning commute | Aiven webinar

What is infrastructure? You may think of public transport and utilities, or perhaps networking and databases. All of those are infrastructure, and they actually have quite a bit in common. If words like “expensive”, “inconvenient” and “too slow” now come to mind, these are sad truths about buses, but your analytics pipelines could be running to a better schedule! Data is arriving faster and in greater quantities than ever before, from everywhere, all the time—we simply cannot afford to wait.

Kubernetes Preview Environments - Adoption, Use Cases & Implementations

No matter what application you’re building and who your target customers are, everyone can agree that it’s critical to avoid broken deployments. To aid in this goal, many tools and concepts have been invented, with Kubernetes preview environments being one of them. In this post, you’ll get a deeper understanding of how preview environments work, how organizations are using them, and how you can get started yourself.