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Mind the Gap: Managing Air-gapped Kubernetes

Easily create and use bundles for air-gapped environments. In this video, you will learn: What is the use case for air-gapped computing? Who uses air-gapped environments? We know government does, but what are some good use cases for commercial customers? What are the challenges for managing Kubernetes in a secured environment?" mindthegap is an open-source project, sponsored by D2iQ, which provides utilities to manage air-gapped image bundles, both creating image bundles and seeding images from a bundle into an existing OCI registry.

What skydiving taught me about automation

Back in the day, before I was a father, before I was a husband, back when I was more of an adrenaline ‘junkie’, one of my ongoing adventures was skydiving. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a hobby as I never followed through with a certification, but I took my fair share of jumps. When I first started I would go with either a ‘static line’, where a cord hanging from the plane would pull my chute, or go on what is called ‘tandem’.

CFEngine 2022 retrospective

It’s that time of year again where we reflect & recap all things new with CFEngine from this year. You may recall from the 2021 retrospective that our focus for 2022 would be on collaboration, ease of use, and community engagement. I’m proud to summarize our progress below in these key areas for 2022’s Retrospective and give you a sneak peek at what’s to come in 2023.

Making IT Fireproof with Security Automation Tools

Security automation tools can be the first step in preventing IT fires from happening. When IT teams dedicate time to extinguishing security and compliance fires, they’re missing out on valuable time to spend tackling bigger goals. Let’s explore some ways to make your IT fireproof using the preventative power of security automation.