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Top 5 important metrics you need to be monitoring in your MySQL server

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that operates based on the client-server model by using SQL as its mode of communication. It is the second most popular database in the world owing to its flexible and scalable nature, high security, ease of use, and ability to handle large data sets seamlessly. Due to its wide range of functionalities, MySQL is employed as part of the database management system for several high-profile companies such as Facebook, PayPal, and Twitter.

Analytics Plus webinar: The 5-step plan to establish capacity planning for your IT

To stay profitable in these competitive times, organizations need to ensure sustained operations and scale at opportune times. Capacity planning can act as an integral cog in this process. Effective capacity planning helps business leaders ensure uninterrupted and optimal operations and services—elements that are vital for business sustainability and profitability. Capacity planning also sheds crucial insights into organizational shortcomings and cost drains, allowing leaders to course correct and streamline operations.

8 reasons customers choose CloudSpend over native cloud billing tools

CloudSpend-Cloud cost management FinOps professionals often find it difficult to gain full visibility of cost overruns resulting from cloud wastage. MangageEngine CloudSpend is a cloud cost management tool that helps you reduce cloud wastage and save costs. If you are a sysadmin or a FinOps professional and are wondering what CloudSpend does that native cloud billing tools don’t, this article is for you.

CloudDNS' geo-load balancing and redundancy ensure high availability and reliability

Cloud computing makes it easier for businesses to build and deploy applications that are accessible from anyplace in the world. But cloud computing also introduces new challenges, such as ensuring applications remain available even if there are network outages or unexpected spikes in traffic. ManageEngine CloudDNS provides a powerful geo-load balancing and redundancy feature that makes it easy to manage and distribute traffic across multiple servers and locations.

The AIOps journey: Navigating the path to proactive IT operations

In the modern IT era, most organizations are heavily on their IT infrastructure to stay relevant and competitive. However, managing complex IT systems can be a daunting task, as the volume of data grows and IT environments become more heterogeneous. To address these challenges, many organizations are turning towards artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps)—an approach that leverages AI and ML to streamline IT operations, improve efficiency, and reduce downtime.

El Salvador government healthcare institution saves up to $400,000 by using OpManager

Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social (ISSS) is an El Salvadorian government institution that provides health care services to the people of El Salvador. The institution offers insurance, medical treatment, prescription home delivery, and other health-related services. There are about 114 branches throughout El Salvador.

Windows 7 end of life: The end of an era

The end is finally here! After over a decade of being the most chosen Windows version, Windows 7 has reached its end of life. While the OS’s Extended Support ended on Jan. 14, 2020, the Extended Security Updates (ESUs) reached their end of life on Jan. 10, 2023. As we bid farewell to this successor of Windows Vista, and by far one of the most user-friendly OSs, let us take a deep dive into what Windows 7 end of life entails.

Redundancy for IT resilience: The backup guide for a disaster-proof network

Around six years ago on a Wednesday morning, software professionals worldwide were startled by a tweet from GitLab stating that they had accidentally deleted their production data, causing their site to go offline. Unfortunately, at that point in time, the open-source code repository giant had no idea that it would take them another 36 hours to restore their systems only to learn that 5,000 projects and 700 new user accounts were affected while they were fixing the outage.

Identifying Layer 7 application traffic to optimize WAN links

Network administrators around the globe are very concerned about the types of traffic in their networks. They want their critical business applications over the WAN to perform at their best. Non-critical apps, like social media apps, downgrade the performance of WAN links. Therefore, administrators should have the necessary controls to prioritize business applications on WAN links.