Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


WordPress Security Scanning

With WordPress powering over 30% of the internet and a plugin ecosystem that allows anyone to write software which will execute code on your server, it’s no wonder that it’s become a popular target for hackers. As part of our Vulnerability Scanning service – which already checks for thousands of known software and configuration vulnerabilities for all major software products and operating systems – we now also test over 10,000 known WordPress vulnerabilities.

Monitoring (with) Elasticsearch: A few more circles of hell

This is the second part of our two-part article series devoted to Elasticsearch monitoring. The heading of this article refers to Dante Alighieri’s “Inferno”, in which Dante offers a tour through the nine increasingly terrifying levels of hell. Our journey into Elasticsearch monitoring was also filled with hardships, but we have overcome them and found solutions for each case.

Bitbucket, uninterrupted: app diagnostics and better workflows in Bitbucket Server 5.9

Bitbucket Server is the convergence of individual work and team collaboration. Administrators ensure the git server availability, enabling developers to complete deployment cycles. Those teams operate independently but share common goals like, automating and simplifying repetitive tasks.

4 reasons why website performance matters for your business

We get it! You spent a lot of time working out your architecture, fine-tuning your user interface, and pouring money into launching and marketing your product or site, and you need to get more customers and keep the ones that you’ve got. Website performance is key to both retention and acquisition, so hopefully you took some time to ensure that you delivered a performant site or service.