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Mezmo Edge Explainer Video

Ensuring access to the right telemetry data - like logs, metrics, events, and traces from all applications and infrastructure are challenging in our distributed world. Teams struggle with various data management issues, such as security concerns, data egress costs, and compliance regulations to keep specific data within the enterprise. Mezmo Edge is a distributed telemetry pipeline that processes data securely in your environment based on your observability needs.

Mastering Telemetry Pipelines - Driving Compliance and Data Optimization

Telemetry (Observability) pipelines play a critical role in controlling telemetry data (logs, metrics, events, and traces). However, the benefits of pipeline go well beyond log volume and cost reductions. In addition to using pipelines as pre-processors of data going to observability and SIEM systems, they can be used to support your compliance initiatives. This session will cover how enterprises can understand and optimize their data for log reduction while reducing compliance risk.

Understand & Optimize Your Telemetry Data (Subtitled)

The explosion of telemetry data also massively increases your data bill. Teams also cannot control the data they do not understand and often lack the capabilities to act on it once it is understood. Mezmo makes it easier to understand and optimize your data. It helps reduce unnecessary noise and cost, and improve the quality of your data, so that your developers and engineers can consistently deliver on their service level objectives.

Data Profiling The Secret Map of Your Telemetry Data Landscape

As data volumes proliferate and costs of data grow, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find the signal in all the noise. Telemetry data -- metrics, logs and traces -- are key to making sound, data-driven decisions, troubleshooting systems issues and maintaining uptime, but it's easy to get overwhelmed. Data profiling shows you exactly where your good data is coming from, how to save what's relevant and discard what's not and slash your data management and storage expenses.