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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Anatomy of a Profitable Side Project: StatusGator 2016 Review

In 2016, my side project StatusGator garnered enough paying customers to be profitable. I have wanted to document and share what I’ve learned along the way for months. But doing so requires confronting the reality that my side project is not the runaway success that I had hoped it would be, but rather a useful tool for myself and for others, that can exist forever thanks to the fact that it ekes out a meager profit on paper.

Understand.io – Online Event and Log Management

Applications logs are a critical factor in helping ensure that your online applications are running at their best. By using Understand.io you can get deep visibility into your applications in real-time, helping you to easily track down error messages, application requests, customer problems, and much more.

The Met Office - Manager of Managers - a Video Case Study

A 5-minute video featuring Hilary Palmer, manager of the Met Office’s Service and System Monitoring team and technical lead, Eddy Hemmings. Across the world, every single day, people make decisions based on the weather. The Met Office produces over 4 million forecasts every day; providing weather and climate forecasts to help with those decisions - to enable protection, well-being and support the economy. The Met Office’s Service and System Monitoring Team provide the organisation with real time monitoring of application, data and infrastructure components that are vital to the delivery of Met Office services to their customers. IT staff within the Operations Centre, need to have visibility in to the events that occur in their environment, knowing how and when to deal with these events and be able to act proactively and quickly. The consolidated view the Manager of Managers (MOM) provides facilitates this - in a single pane of glass. Without it failures may occur that bring the business to a halt.